Overview of Loading Goals, Goal Plans, and Goal Plan Sets

You can load Goal, Goal Plan, and Goal Plan Set objects using HCM Data Loader. Most of these objects have dependencies on other objects. This table identifies the other objects that must exist in the target environment.

If you're loading some or all of those objects with goals, goal plans, or goal plan sets, then follow the load order shown in the table.


Object Load Order


Goal Plan

  1. Worker and primary assignment

  2. Eligibility profile

  3. Organization

  4. Goal plan document type

  5. Goal plan

  • Review periods must exist in the target environment before you upload associated goal plans.

  • Organizations are required for organization goal plans.

  • A Goal Plan Document Types component is required when the IncludeInPerfDoc attribute is set to Y.

Goal Plan Set

  1. Goal plan

  2. Worker and primary assignment

  3. Eligibility profile

  4. Goal plan set

  • Review periods must exist in the target environment before you upload associated goal plan sets.

  • Goal Plan Set objects can refer to goal plans.

Goal (library)

  1. Content item

Library goals are loaded as content items.

Goal (organization)

  1. Worker (line manager)

  2. Organization

  3. Goal plan

  4. Goal

For organization goals:

  • The line manager is the organization owner.

  • Goal plans are required.

Goal (template)

  1. Worker (human resource specialist) and assignment

  2. Goal plan

  3. Goal

Goal plans are required.

Goal (worker development)

  1. Worker

  2. Content item

  3. Goal

Worker development goals aren't associated with goal plans.

Goal (worker performance)

  1. Worker and assignment

  2. Goal plan

  3. Content item

  4. Goal

Worker performance goals must be associated with goal plans.