Person Numbers in Worker Objects

Each person record, regardless of person type or number of work relationships, has a unique person number. Person numbers can be either generated automatically or entered manually, depending on the setting of the enterprise Person Number Generation Method option.

This topic describes ways of providing person numbers for uploaded Worker objects.

Automatically Generated Person Numbers

To generate person numbers automatically, you set the Person Number Generation Method option to either Automatic Prior to Submission or Automatic Upon Final Save. When you load person records to environments where person numbers are generated automatically, you supply no person number. A number is generated automatically on upload.

When you load a person record without a person number, you must supply a source key to identify the person record uniquely. You must use the same key for all child components of the Worker object using the PersonId(SourceSystemId) attribute and hint.

Manually Entered Person Numbers

When the Person Number Generation Method option is set to Manual, you must supply a person number in the Worker object.

Loading Legacy Numbers

You can load legacy numbers to environments where person numbers are generated automatically. Set the Initial Person Number enterprise option to the highest legacy person number plus one so that the legacy sequence continues.

Correcting Person Numbers

You can correct a person number, provided that Person Number Generation Method is set to Manual.

To correct a person number when the enterprise method is automatic generation, you can:

  1. Note which of the two automatic methods, Automatic Prior to Submission and Automatic Upon Final Save, is being used.

  2. Change the number-generation method temporarily to Manual.

    Note: You're recommended not to hire workers while the correction is being made.
  3. Correct the person number.

  4. Reinstate the original automatic number-generation method. Consider also whether the value of the Initial Person Number option must be updated to avoid conflict with the correction you made.

  5. Run the Update Person Search Keywords process to ensure that person searches with person number as a keyword value are successful.

When you correct a person number, the correction applies to every date-effective update for the lifetime of the person record. This rule ensures that a person isn't identified using different person numbers at different times.

To identify the person record to correct, supply the source key, Oracle Fusion GUID, or Oracle Fusion surrogate ID. You can't supply the user key alone, as the person number is the user key.