Start Dates for Person Legislative Data

This topic explains how to specify start dates for person legislative data that you load using HCM Data Loader.

Person legislative data must start on the person's earliest effective start date. A person may have multiple work relationships in different legislations. In this case, all person legislative data must start on the person's earliest effective start date, not the start date of the work relationship. When a person starts a work relationship that's in a new legislation, the application:

  • Creates a person legislative data record as of the person's earliest effective start date with no data.

  • Performs an update of the person legislative data record as of the date of the creation of the new work relationship with the user-provided data. This approach ensures that the data is chronologically correct.

For example, consider the work relationships of the worker in this table.




Hired by Vision Corporation in the UK


Left Vision Corporation in the UK


Joined US military


Left US military and became a US veteran


Hired by Vision Corporation in the US

In this example, in 2010 a US person legislative record is created as of 2000, the person's earliest effective start date. The US legislative record is updated as of 2010, the start date of the person's US work relationship. The update includes the descriptive flexfield details for US veteran status, as provided by the user.