Set Folder Permissions and Attributes

You can access the properties of user objects or the Custom folder and any of its subfolders in the catalog to set folder permissions and other attributes. You can view system information, and change attributes or ownership. Other users can access and modify the

Set Folder Properties

Follow these steps:

  1. In the catalog, click Shared Folders > Custom, and navigate to the custom folder you want to assign properties to.

    Caution: Don't modify permissions on predefined catalog objects. Saving content in the Custom folder is the only way to make sure that it remains untouched during updates.
  2. In the Tasks pane, click Properties.

  3. In the Properties dialog box, select any of the options in the Attributes section:

    • Hidden: Hides the object.

    • System: Makes the object a system object.

    • Read Only: Makes the object read-only.

    • Do Not Index: Excludes the object from the index used by the full-text catalog search. Excluded objects don't display in the results of any full-text catalog search; the object can still be found using the basic catalog search.

  4. Use the Ownership section to take ownership of a folder or object in the catalog. This area displays only if the proper privileges were assigned to the user, group, or role. Note that the owner of an object or folder can't automatically access the object or folder.

    • Set ownership of this item: Click to become the owner of the folder or object.

    • Set ownership of this item and all subitems: Click to become the owner of the folder and any sub folders or sub items contained within the item. For example, if you click this link for a dashboard folder, then you take ownership of all of the dashboard's components.