Carryover Expiration Rules

Set carryover balance to expire after a certain period. To do this, enable the Carryovers expire after specific time check box available in the Accruals tab of the absence plan setup page. After you enable it, the Expiration Period field will be available to you where you can select the number of days, weeks, months, or years after which the carryover expires.

Note: If you select the Flat Amount, Include in Matrix, or Formula option in the Carryover Limit Rule field instead of No Limit, you can’t set an expiration period longer than 1 year.

If you make any changes to the plan, you need to run the Calculate Accruals and Balances absence process to calculate the updated carryover. Select the last day of the previous plan term as the effective date. This will recalculate the balance from the end of the plan term and change the Carryover value from the first day of the next plan term, based on the plan changes.