Formulas for Accrual Plans

Use the Absence Plan page to apply delivered accrual plan rules in the plan. However, if you want to define other special rules to suit your requirement, you can write your own formulas.

Formulas for Accrual Plans

The following table lists the aspects of an accrual plan for which you can write a formula and identifies the formula type for each.



Formula Type to Use

Enrollment Start

Date when eligible workers are enrolled in the plan. If a worker is already enrolled in an existing accrual plan, you can't use this formula to change the enrollment start date.

Global Absence Plan Enrollment Start

Enrollment End

Date when workers are disenrolled from the plan. This formula works only if there is an eligibility profile associated with the plan.

Global Absence Plan Enrollment End

Conversion Formula

Method to override the default absence plan entry duration.

Example: You might have a requirement to consider only whole working days in a vacation absence to update the accrual balance. In such cases, you define logic in a formula to convert the absence duration to a value that excludes partial days.

Global Absence Plan Duration

Anniversary Event

Method to determine the employment anniversary date on which you want the accrual plan to restart.

Global Absence Plan Period Anniversary Event Date

Accrual Event

Method to capture information about events during a calendar year that affect the accrual band of a worker.

Example: An organization has a vacation plan in which enrolled workers accrue a certain number of days every year based on their grade. When the grade of a worker changes in the middle of the calendar year, the organization might want to prorate their total accrual balance. You can configure this proration rule using the global absence accrual event formula to capture the dates when such changes occur.

This formula can't be attached to the plan definition at any point. When you create this formula, the formula name needs to be the same as the absence plan name. This automatically links the formula to the plan.

Global Absence Accrual Event

Accrual Vesting

A period during which workers accrue time, but can't use it.

Global Absence Vesting

Accrual Proration

Method to calculate the time workers accrue if they enroll in the middle of an accrual period.

Global Absence Proration


The maximum time that a worker can accrue.

Global Absence Ceiling

Ceiling Proration

Method to return a multiplying factor to prorate the defined ceiling limit.

Global Absence Ceiling Proration


The maximum unused time that a worker can transfer to the next accrual term.

Global Absence Carryover

Carryover Proration

Method to return a multiplying factor to prorate the defined carryover amount.

Global Absence Carryover Proration

Accrual Definition

Method to determine the paid time, eligible workers accrue over the course of an accrual term.

Global Absence Accrual

Accrual Formula

Range of eligibility criteria that identify how much paid time eligible workers accrue over the course of an accrual term. The criteria may be years of service, grades, hours worked, or some other factor that you can define.

Global Absence Accrual Matrix

Partial Accrual Period

Method to determine the prorated accrual amount for workers who enroll or disenroll from a plan during the plan period.

Global Absence Partial Accrual Period Rate

Absence Payment Rate

Method to calculate payment during absence period.

Global Absence Plan Use Rate

Discretionary Disbursement Rate

Method to calculate payment when paying out part of the accrual balance.

Global Absence Plan Use Rate

Disbursement Rule

Method to determine the minimum, maximum, and increment amounts that the worker is eligible for to request a cash disbursement.

Global Absence Discretionary Disbursement Rule

Final Disbursement Rate

Method to calculate payment of accruals when plan participation ends.

Global Absence Plan Use Rate

Liability Rate

Method to calculate cost of accrual balance to determine employer liability.

Global Absence Plan Use Rate

When you schedule an absence for a worker using an accrual plan with formulas defined, the absence doesn't appear in the Absence Records section of the Manage Absences and Entitlements page. Instead, you can view the absence in the Plan Participation section. To view the absence:

  1. In the Accrual Plans section, click the accrual plan to open the Accrual Plan Balance dialog box.

  2. Enter the Balance Calculation Date to view the details of the absence. The details are displayed in the Summary and Details tabs.