Formulas for Qualification Plans

Use the Absence Plan page to incorporate qualification plan rules. However, if you want to define other special rules to suit your requirement, you can write your own formulas.

Formulas for Qualification Plan Rules

The following table lists the aspects of a qualification plan for which you can write a formula and identifies the formula type for each.



Formula Type to Use

Start Rule

When the rolling backward plan term starts. A rolling backward term is a specific time period that precedes the absence start date.

Global Absence Plan Roll Backward End

Qualification Date Rule

Date when eligible workers enroll in the plan.

Global Absence Plan Enrollment Start Date

Conversion Formula

Method to calculate the absence duration differently.

Example: You want to consider only whole working days in a sickness absence in the entitlement calculation. In such cases, you define logic in a formula to convert the absence duration to a value that excludes partial working days.

Global Absence Plan Duration

Entitlement Definition Type

Determines payment percentages to apply during the absence period.

Global Absence Entitlement

Entitlement Formula

(Qualification Details section)

A level that determines the payment that workers receive for a specific number of days during a long leave of absence based on their length of service.

Global Absence Band Entitlement

Absence Payment Rate Rule

Method to calculate payment during absence period.

Global Absence Plan Use Rate