How Does Autocomplete Rules Work with Application Defaults and Validations

You can default and validate info using Autocomplete Rules. However, in case of conflicts between application defaulting and validation rules versus Autocomplete defaulting and validation, these guidelines apply.

For Defaulting

If data is defaulted out-of-the-box, Autocomplete Rules may not be able to override the application defaults.

For Validation

All rules from both, the application and Autocomplete Rules, are triggered. The resulting warning and error messages are both displayed in the same window. Transaction must be validated by the application and Autocomplete Rules to be considered complete..

In Autocomplete Rules, all active rules for a same field are triggered simultaneously, then the resulting error or warning messages rules are displayed at the same time. For example, if you define 2 validation rules for the department:

  • Validate department based on business unit rule, and

  • Validate there's no change in location on promotion

When you change the department in a Promote flow, then both error messages are displayed because the location may be updated on change of a department.

Autocomplete Rules



Shows validation messages

Shows validation messages

Validation messages from Autocomplete Rules and the application need to be addressed to proceed.

Shows validation messages

Doesn't show validation messages

Validation messages from Autocomplete Rules need to be addressed to proceed.

Doesn't show validation messages

Shows validation messages

Validation messages from application need to be addressed to proceed.

Doesn't show validation messages

Doesn't show validation messages

The transaction is complete because it's validated by both, Autocomplete Rules and the application.