Navigation From and To Person Profile Certification

Here is some useful information to consider when navigating from the Person Profile Certification business object.

From the Person Profile Certification Business Object to Another Business Object


Row Variable



Row Variable (Variant 2)

Get Profile

You can navigate to other business objects by traversing the row variable on Get Profile.


Row Variable (Variant 2)

Get Profile > Get Person

You can navigate to Get Person by traversing the row variable on Get Profile to fetch attributes, descriptive flexfields, and extensible flexfields from Person and any other object that it allows access to, for the Skills and Qualifications UI.


Row Variable (Variant 2)

Get Profile > Get Certifications

You can fetch the attributes or descriptive flexfields of the Person Profile Certification.


Row Variable (Variant 2)

Get Profile > Get Education

You can fetch the attributes or descriptive flexfields of any other degree records related to that profile.