Examples of Collapsing Rules that Process Sequentially

The example in this topic shows a sample configuration of two collapsing rules that process sequentially. The example also shows how these rules evaluate corresponding potential life events during processing.

You create collapsing rules using the Collapsing Rules tab of the Manage Life Events task in the Plan Configuration work area.

Using the Create Collapsing Rule page to Create Sequential Rules

When a Location Change event occurs, you want to delete other events that might occur on the same day, such as birthdays and employment anniversaries. You don't want to track these events as they don't provide enrollment opportunities according to your plan configuration.

To achieve this scenario:

  1. Create three collapsing rules using the AND operator.

  2. Use unique sequence numbers for each rule.

  3. Include in each rule the winning event and a losing life event, such as the Birthday event.

The following table shows the configuration of the first rule:





Selected Life Events

Select these values:

  • Location Change

  • Birthday



Resulting Event Name

Location Change

Life Event Occurred Date

Earliest Life Event Occurred Date

Proximity Days


Handling of Losing Events

Delete any matching life events

For the second and third rule, follow the same configuration as the first rule. However, ensure that you enter a different sequence number and losing life event for each rule, as shown in this table:

Configuration for Rule 2

Configuration for Rule 3

Sequence: 2

Sequence: 3

Select these life events:

  • Location Change

  • 5 Year Anniversary

Select these life events:

  • Location Change

  • 10 Year Anniversary

The following table uses different scenarios to show how participation evaluation processing evaluates the collapsing rule.


Process Action

Consider this scenario:

  1. Location Change event occurs on August 1, 2015

  2. Birthday event occurs on the same day

  3. 5-Year Anniversary event occurs on the same day

The process:

  1. Applies the first rule, which voids the Birthday event and collapses to the resulting Location Change event

  2. Applies the second rule, which voids the 5-Year Anniversary event and collapses to the resulting Location Change event

  3. Doesn't consider the third rule as the 10-Year Anniversary event doesn't occur

  4. Processes the Location Change event

Consider this scenario:

  1. Location Change event occurs on August 1, 2015

  2. 10-Year Anniversary event occurs on the same day

The process:

  1. Doesn't consider the first collapsing rule in the sequence as the Birthday event doesn't occur

  2. Doesn't consider the second collapsing rule as the anniversary event doesn't occur.

  3. Applies the third rule, which voids the 10-Year Anniversary event and collapses to the resulting Location Change event.

  4. Processes the Location Change event.