Guidelines to Configure Unsuspend Rules

Unsuspend rules define the coverage and rate start dates to use when a suspended enrollment becomes unsuspended. Define unsuspend rules in the Enrollment step when you create or edit benefit plans in the Plan Configuration work area.

You can set up:

  • One unsuspend rule for a coverage

  • A different unsuspend rule for the corresponding rate

When a participant completes a required action item and there are no other incomplete action items, the relevant elections unsuspend. Use the information in the following sections to help you select the right unsuspend rules for your benefits offerings:

  • Commonly Used Unsuspend Rules

  • Other Predefined Unsuspend Rules

  • Impact of Unsuspend Rules on Enrollment Start Date

  • Interim Coverage During Suspension

Commonly Used Unsuspend Rules

The predefined rule selections are identical for Unsuspend Enrollment Rule and Unsuspend Rate Rule. The following table lists and describes the rules.

Rule Value


As of completed date

Sets the enrollment coverage or rate start date equal to the effective date on which the enrollment is unsuspended.

Recalculate with completed date and enrollment start

If the computed start date is earlier than the unsuspend effective date, recompute the start date. Use the unsuspended date as the life event or notification date, depending on your life event definition.

Recalculates the rate start and end dates based on the coverage start date of the unsuspended enrollment.

Use existing enrollment start date

Uses the original coverage or rate start date, even if this date is before the suspension end date.

Other Predefined Unsuspend Rules

The following are descriptions and examples of some commonly used unsuspend rules.

Unsuspend Rule



First of month after completed

The start date is the first day of the next month that follows the date that required action items are completed.

Similar rules are predefined for start dates to occur on the first day of the next year, half year, quarter, and semi-month.

If the action completed on March 10, the start date is April 1.

First of month on or after completed

This rule is similar to the previous rule, with one exception. If the participant completes the action on the first day of the period, then the start date occurs on the same day.

Similar rules are predefined for start dates to occur on the first day of the year, half year, quarter, and semi-month.

If the action completed on:

  • July 1, the start date is July 1

  • July 2, the start date is August 1

First of pay period after completed

The start date is the first day of the next payroll period to occur after the participant completes the action.


First of last pay period plan year after completed

The start date is the first day of the last complete payroll period in the plan year.

Scenario: A calendar year period with biweekly pay periods starting on December 6 and December 20.

  • If the action completes on November 10, the start date is December 6, the first day of the last complete pay period for the plan year.

  • The payroll period starting on December 20 is the first pay period of the next plan year.

First of last month plan year after completed

Assuming a calendar plan year, the start date would typically be December 1 of the plan year in which the participant completes the required actions.



Use a formula that you define to derive an unsuspend start date when the predefined rules don't fit your requirements.


Impact of Unsuspend Rules on Enrollment Start Date

The unsuspend rule controls the start date of the enrollment if the unsuspend date is equal to or later than the original start date. If you don't select an unsuspend rule, the start date is the date on which the enrollment is unsuspended.

Interim Coverage During Suspension

If you assign interim coverage while an enrollment is suspended, the interim enrollment ends one day before the coverage start date of the unsuspended enrollment.