Manage Deduction Reference for Voluntary Deductions

Deduction Reference maintains voluntary deduction balances for each reference number provided.

The deduction reference is a mandatory input value that gets created under specific conditions for voluntary deductions element. This number must be entered to maintain the balances.

When an employee is enrolled into a benefits plan, an element entry is created. When there is a subsequent life event and enrollments, it end-dates the previous element entry and creates a new entry. If you want to use voluntary deductions with plan name as the deduction reference, you need to write a fast formula of type Extra Input to pass the plan name to the deduction reference input value. Then, you need to attach this fast formula to your plan. By using this fast formula, the balances will be re-initiated.

  1. Create a fast formula using Extra Input as the formula type.
    FORMULA TYPE : Extra Input
    DESCRIPTION : Formula to pass the plan name to the rate element's input value. 
    Return L_SHORT_NAME
  2. Select the formula name in the Extra Input Formula field and associate the formula return variable name to Deduction Reference input value on the Extra Inputs tab of the Edit Rates page in the Plan Configuration Work Area.