Rules to Determine When to Calculate Imputed Income Coverage Amount

Before evaluating the life event, you need to specify when to calculate the coverage amount of the imputed income.

If you specify when to calculate the coverage amount, only the coverages that are active as of the evaluated date are considered for imputed income calculation.

In the General tab of the Edit Plan Enrollment page, configure these values:

  • Imputed Income Calculation Date: This list shows the rules to determine when to calculate the coverage amount of the imputed income. It shows these values:
    • Event
    • First of Next Month
    • Formula
  • Imputed Income Calculation Date Formula: If you have special requirements to calculate the imputed income calculation date, you can select a formula that you created from this list. You can configure this list only if you have selected Formula as the rule in the Imputed Income Calculation Date list. The formula uses the same formula type of Rate Start Date.