Temporal Life Events

A temporal event is an event that occurs with the passage of time. This is different from a life event that indicates a change of address, or a birth of a child, which actually signifies changes in data.

A temporal event is an event that occurs with the passage of time. This is different from a life event that indicates a change of address, or a birth of a child, which actually signifies changes in data. With temporal events, the only change is the passage of time. Temporal events notify the application when a person crosses the minimum or maximum boundary of a derived factor, such as length of service or age.

These events are detected even when no other life events occur for the person. You can use OTBI for reporting on temporal life event data. For example, you use temporal events in your business to include life insurance coverage reductions due to changes in age. In another example, you use temporal events to enroll a participant into benefits coverage when a probation period is reached.

You need to run the Evaluate Temporal Event Participation process to detect temporal events. That's because these type of events can't trigger on their own and can't be created using the self-service pages. You can schedule the process to run on a regular basis such as nightly or weekly, depending on your temporal event requirements.

Although the Evaluate Temporal Event Participation process can detect events, you still need to run the Evaluate Life Event Participation process too to determine eligibility, to evaluate the impact of the life event on the participant’s benefit and rate information.

You can also create your own temporal life events if you have other special requirements. For example, you might need to create a temporal event report on the combination of age change, location, and becoming part time.