Common Rule Configurations for V3 Seniority Dates

Let’s see some examples of configuring version 3 (V3) seniority dates by using these seniority rules:

  • Enterprise Seniority Date: You want the application to automatically account for the break in service.
  • Legal Employer Seniority Date: You want to track the start date with each legal employer work relationship.
  • Latest Hire Date: You want to track the last hire or rehire date for a worker.

Configuration Options

Rule Name Level Attribute Cumulative Flag Fast Formula
Enterprise Seniority Date Person Enterprise Yes Not required
Legal Employer Seniority Date Work Relationship Legal Employer No Not required
Latest Hire Date Person Enterprise No Not required

Sample Data Used

This table displays the sample data used in the example. In this table, the worker is hired for legal employer 1 (LE1 - GBI_GHR_2TSA) on 01-JAN-2014 and globally transferred from LE1 on 01-JAN-2015. The global transfer is to legal employer 2 (LE2 - GBI_GHR_2TSCSA) and the worker resigns from LE2 on 01-JAN-2016. The worker is then rehired for legal employer 3 (LE3 - GBI_GHR_2TMCSA) on 01-JAN-2017.

Action Date Legal Employer
Hire 01-JAN-2014 GBI_GHR_2TSA
Global Transfer 01-JAN-2015 GBI_GHR_2TSCSA
Resignation 01-JAN-2016 GBI_GHR_2TSCSA
Rehire 01-JAN-2017 GBI_GHR_2TMCSA
This table displays the seniority date calculation for the seniority rules used in the example.
Action Date Legal Employer Enterprise Seniority Date Legal Employer Seniority Date Latest Hire Date
Hire 01-JAN-2014 LE1 - GBI_GHR_2TSA 01-JAN-2014 01-JAN-2014 01-JAN-2014
Global Transfer 01-JAN-2015 LE2 - GBI_GHR_2TSCSA 01-JAN-2014 LE2 - 01-JAN-2015

LE1 - 01-JAN-2014

Resignation 01-JAN-2016 LE2 - GBI_GHR_2TSCSA 01-JAN-2014 LE2 - 01-JAN-2015

LE1 - 01-JAN-2014

Rehire 01-JAN-2017 LE3 - GBI_GHR_2TMCSA 01-JAN-2015

Seniority date is auto adjusted by 366 days due to 2016 being a leap year and the worker not being in service during 2016.

LE3 - 01-JAN-2017

LE2 - 01-JAN-2015

LE1 - 01-JAN-2014


Enterprise Seniority Date: The worker had a break in service for one year from the organization. The seniority date is automatically adjusted for this seniority rule because the cumulative option is set to yes.

Legal Employer Seniority Date: Since the worker was associated with 3 legal employers in the given period, the 3 legal employers are listed in the attribute list (GBI_GHR_2TMCSA, GBI_GHR_2TSA, and GBI_GHR_2TSCSA).
Note: The active legal employer will be listed first in the attribute list (GBI_GHR_2TMCSA).

Latest Hire Date: The worker had a break in service for one year from the organization. The last hire date is displayed in the Seniority Date field (01-JAN-2017).