Create the Weekly Day Office, Night Home Work Pattern

You're creating a weekly work pattern that uses the Day Office and Night Home shifts for a support department in India.

Before you start

Create the Day Office and Night Home Time Shifts
Use the Work Workday Patterns task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. It's part of the Workforce Deployment offering, Workforce Information functional area.

Here's what to do

  1. On the Work Workday Patterns page, Create icon menu, select Create Time Workday Pattern.
  2. On the Create Time Workday Pattern dialog box, in the Name field, enter Weekly Day Office, Night Home.
  3. In the Length of Days field, enter 7.
  4. Add the two workday pattern details by completing these steps twice.
    1. In the Workday Pattern Details section, click the Add Row icon.
    2. Complete the fields for one of the patterns, as shown here:
      Field Day Office Value Night Home Value
      Start Day 1 4
      End Day 3 5
      Shift Name Day Office Night Home
  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. On the Work Workday Patterns page, click Done.

What to do next

Create the Weekly Day Office, Night Home Work Schedule and Assign the Weekly Day Office, Night Home Work Schedule