How FTE is Calculated in Positions

The full-time equivalent (FTE) value is the result of multiplying the working hours with the headcount and dividing by the standard working hours.

For example, if the working hours are 30, the headcount is 2 and the standard working hours are 40, then the FTE value is 1.5.

Ways to Calculate the FTE

You can either enter the FTE manually or calculate it automatically.

  • Manually: Use the FTE field in the Budget Details section to enter a FTE value manually. If an FTE value is already provided, you can update it based on the ratio of the working hours to standard working hours.
  • Automatically: Select the Calculate FTE option in the Budget Details section to automatically calculate the FTE. This check box is shown only when the Enable FTE Calculation in Positions profile option is set to Yes. Earlier, the FTE value was automatically calculated only when a position was created. However, when this check box is deselected automatic FTE calculation is disabled even when a position is created.

    When the Calculate FTE option is selected and you edit the working hours or the headcount in the position pages, the FTE is automatically calculated and the FTE field becomes read-only. However, you can override the automatic calculation of FTE by deselecting the Calculate FTE option on the position pages.

    This check box is available in these flows - Request a New Position, Request a Position Change, Update or Correct Position, and Duplicate Position flows.

The Calculate FTE Option

Here are some points to note about Calculate FTE option.

  • The Calculate FTE option is disabled for positions created before enabling automatic FTE calculation.
  • The Calculate FTE setting is copied when a position is duplicated.
  • If FTE is configured as hidden in the Transaction Design Studio (TDS), then the Calculate FTE option is also hidden even though the profile option is enabled.