Person Name Styles

Person name styles define the person name components for a country. Only one style can exist for a country, while you can predefine name styles for some countries.

Note the following:

  • You can create name styles for countries that have none.

  • You can copy an existing style to use as the basis.

  • You can create a new name style in case of specific requirements for a country

For countries that don't have a predefined person name style, the universal name style applies by default.

You can edit predefined name styles by doing the following:

  • creating additional components

  • selecting mandatory components

  • changing order of components

  • selecting list of values for the components

You can't delete predefined components and make mandatory components optional. You can delete only those components that were added to a predefined name style. You can't delete a predefined name style.

Note: You can create, edit, and delete user-defined name style and its components any time. If a user-defined name style is deleted after person names have been created using that style, the universal name style applies by default.

Person Name Components

Last Name is a mandatory name component for all person name styles. You can set other person name components as mandatory, based on specific requirements for a country.

Note the following:

  • The name components Name Information 1 through Name Information 14 are reserved for localization requirements.

  • You can use the components Name Information 15 through Name Information 30 to define specific person name components for a country.

For example, if you want to capture Mother's Maiden Name for a country, you can use the name component Name Information 15, and denote the display name for this component as Mother's Maiden Name.