Archive and Purge Assigned Journeys

You can archive or purge assigned journeys, which are in terminal status such as Completed, Error, Expired, or Withdrawn, after a certain period.

  • Archive retains a copy of the assigned journeys for audit, data retention or analysis, and other purposes. The data is archived onto a set of archive tables.
  • Purge removes the archived journeys from the archive tables and permanently deletes the data.
Here’s what the archive process does:
  • Evaluates assigned journeys for archive based on a positive archive offset and if the completion date has passed by those many months.
  • Moves all assigned journey data to the archive tables.
  • Deletes all the moved data from the assigned journeys table.

And here’s what the purge process does:

  • Evaluates archived journeys for purge based on a positive purge offset and if the archived date has passed by those many months.
  • Deletes all that data from journey archive tables, just retaining a single assigned journey entry, marked with the purged date.

Data that's Not Archived or Purged

The data associated with the assigned journey is archived and purged. However, these items associated with the assigned journey tasks aren’t archived or purged:
  • Document records
  • Questionnaires
  • Attachments
  • Reports used for eSignature journey tasks

The items that aren't archived or purged are retained in the respective tables in the database.