Create Quick Surveys in Journeys for Small Set of Workers

You can create a quick survey or poll to collect feedback from your directs on important topics relevant to their work such as projects, schedule, work environment, skills, competencies, collaboration, training, availability, and preferences.

You can use journeys and questionnaires to create the survey and then manage the survey.

Create Survey

Use the Create Survey quick action under the My Team tab to create the survey. You have the option to copy from an existing survey, create a new survey, or use AI Assist. After entering the survey details, you can add questions from the question library or create your own questions. A maximum of 10 questions can be added for a survey. You can perform these actions when you create the survey:
  • Modify the survey by making changes to existing questions
  • Add new questions
  • Reorder questions
  • Remove questions

Manage Survey

After you create the survey, you can set the start and end date, set reminder options for assignees, and assign it to your direct reports. Once assigned, you can change the survey details if needed. For example, you can extend the survey end date if the workers have not completed the survey and assign the survey to a new set of workers. The extended date is also applied to the new assignees.

You can assign or edit a survey from the Explore tab.

Points to Consider

  • You can only create a quick small survey with a limited set of workers by using the Create Survey quick action. You can’t create an extensive survey and assign it to a large population.
  • Surveys created by a manager are personal surveys available only to them and not to other managers. These personal surveys are available only within the survey flow.
  • Surveys are non-recurring and have an end date.
  • You can't edit the survey questions if the assignee has already responded to them.