Example of Creating a Configurable Form in Journeys
You want to create an onboarding satisfaction survey and add it as one of the tasks in a new hire journey.
You create the survey as a context in the journey descriptive flexfield and associate the survey with the task by setting the the task action type to Configurable Form.
Summary of Tasks
Create the context for the descriptive flexfield and add three context sensitive segments.
Deploy the flexfield.
Associate the descriptive flexfield with the task.
Creating the Descriptive Flexfield
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
Functional Area: Workforce Information
Task: Checklist Descriptive Flexfields
On the Manage Checklist Descriptive Flexfields page, select PER_PERSON_ALLOCATED_TASKS_DFF and click Edit.
Click Manage Contexts.
In the Create Context section, enter values listed in the following table:
Display Name
Onboarding Survey
Onboarding feedback survey
Context Code
Auto-populated but can be modified
API Name
Auto-populated but can be modified
Click Save.
In the Context Sensitive Segment section, enter the values listed in the following table:
Values for Segment 1
Values for Segment 2
Values for Segment 3
Display Name
I found the Orientation program interesting and interactive.
What is your overall impression of your first few days?
Overall rating of your onboarding experience.
I found the Orientation program interesting and interactive.
What is your overall impression of your first few days?
Overall rating of your onboarding experience.
Context Code
Auto-populated but can be modified
Auto-populated but can be modified
Auto-populated but can be modified
API Name
Auto-populated but can be modified
Auto-populated but can be modified
Auto-populated but can be modified
Data Type
Table Column
Value Set
50 Characters
1 Number with No validation
I found the Orientation program interesting and interactive.
What is your overall impression of your first few days?
Overall rating of your Onboarding experience.
Display Type
List of Values
Text Box
Text Box
BI Enabled
Click on Save and Close till you return to the Checklist Descriptive Flexfields page.
Click Deploy Flexfield.
Click OK and then Done.
Deploying the Flexfield
Deploy the flexfield that you created to make it available in the Tasks page.-
On the Checklist Descriptive Flexfield page, click Deploy Flexfield.
- In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK, and click Done.
You must sign out and sign in before you can see the changes you deployed at run time. The flexfield context and the associated segments automatically appear when you select the Configurable Form action type in the Create Task page.
Associating the Descriptive Flexfield with a Task
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
Functional Area: Workforce Information
Task: Checklist Template
On the Checklist Template page, click Create.
Enter General journey details and click Save.
Click the Tasks tab.
Click Add and then enter the details of the task.
Select Configurable Form as the task type.
Select the descriptive flexfield context Onboarding Survey from the Configurable Form drop-down list.
Complete details in other tabs.
Click Save and Close.