How Journey Attachments are Stored in Document Records

The database fields that are populated when attachments from different journey task types are stored in document records, are listed in this table:

DB Field Name Attachments Enabled for Any Task Type with Document Record Report with Document Record Native Electronic Signature with Report and Document Record I-9 Verification Status Task with Document Record
DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID Configured in Journey Task setup Configured in Journey Task setup Configured in Journey Task setup Configured in Journey Task setup
PERSON_ID Person ID of the journey assignee. Person ID of the journey assignee. Person ID of the journey assignee. Person ID of the journey assignee.
ASSIGNMENT_ID Not populated Not populated Not populated Not populated
DOCUMENT_NAME Journey task name Journey task name Journey task name I-9 completed form name as sent by HireRight
DOCUMENT_CODE Auto-generated as a concatenation of: Document Name, Timestamp in yyyy-mm-dd-hh24-mi-ss format that is date along with hours (24-hour format, minutes and seconds) of database date and time Auto-generated as a concatenation of: Document Name, Timestamp in yyyy-mm-dd-hh24-mi-ss format that is date along with hours (24-hour format, minutes and seconds) of database date and time Auto-generated as a concatenation of: Document Name, Timestamp in yyyy-mm-dd-hh24-mi-ss format that is date along with hours (24-hour format, minutes and seconds) of database date and time Auto-generated as a concatenation of: Document Name, Timestamp in yyyy-mm-dd-hh24-mi-ss format that is date along with hours (24-hour format, minutes and seconds) of database date and time
ISSUED_DATE Date when the task was marked as Done Date when the task was marked as Done Date when the task was marked as Done Date when the task was marked as Done
RELATED_OBJECT_ID Value of allocated task ID Value of allocated task ID Value of allocated task ID Value of allocated task ID
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Date when the task was marked as Done Date when the task was marked as Done Date when the task was marked as Done Date when the task was marked as Done
LAST_UPDATED_BY Journey task performer Journey task performer Journey task performer Journey task performer
CREATED_BY Journey task performer Journey task performer Journey task performer Journey task performer
CREATION_DATE Date when the task was marked as Done Date when the task was marked as Done Date when the task was marked as Done Date when the task was marked as Done
ATTACHMENTS Documents uploaded by user Custom BI Report associated to journey task Custom BI Report associated to journey task Custom BI Report sent by HireRight
ATTACHMENT COUNT <Number of documents uploaded by user> 1 1 1

Points to Consider

  • The following attributes aren't populated:




    • DATE_TO





    • Document Records DDF

    • Document Records DFF

  • The process of creating document records through journey tasks is secured with the Manage Person Documentation by Worker privilege.
  • If you have associated document types with your journey tasks, you must include the document types in the Document Type Security Profile of the journey task performer.
  • You must not configure the Restrict Create option to Yes for document types that are associated with journey tasks.
  • You must not enable approvals for document types that are associated with journey tasks.