How You Configure Analytics Task Type in Journeys

The Analytics task action type in a journey enables task performers to view an OTBI analysis when performing the task.

For example, a Human Resources (HR) specialist can view all the data collected as part of the recruiting process or view the performance rating report during an exit interview.

Ensure that you provide task performers access to the OTBI analysis, otherwise they can't view the analysis.

Task Type Use

  • Specify the OTBI report path and parameter to display tables, bars, and graphs.
  • When setting up the task, you can specify the type of analysis parameters you want to pass at run time:
    • Name: The name of the attribute in the OTBI subject area along with the object name. For example, "Worker"."Assignment ID" or Worker". "Person ID"
    • Type: Lists the supported attributes which are Person ID and Assignment ID.

Task Type Example

View the analysis displaying person journey details in a guided journey task. The OTBI Analysis path for this example would be something like this:
/shared/Custom/Human Capital Management/Person Checklist Details
And the analysis parameters in this example would be:
  • Type = Person ID
  • Name = "Worker"."Person ID"
Here are a few points to consider about the Analytics task type:
  • It's not supported on Redwood pages as yet.
  • It's available only for Guided Journeys.