How You Enable Oracle Search for Journeys

You can use the search engine Oracle Search to search fast across large volumes of data and return highly relevant results. You can search by the person number, person name, or journey name.

Follow these steps to enable Oracle Search:

Set Profile Options

Use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to review and configure the profile options shown in this table.
Profile Option Code Profile Display Name Profile Option Description Application Module Required Profile Level Required Profile Value
ORA_FND_SEARCH_EXT_ENABLED Enable/Disable Search Ext Framework This profile is used to check if Search Extension is enabled. Oracle Middleware Extensions for Applications Oracle Middleware Extensions for Applications Site Yes
HRC_ELASTIC_SEARCH_ENABLED HRC: Enable Elastic Search Enable Elastic Search-based search engine for HCM objects search. HCM Common Architecture Search Framework Site Y
PER_SEARCH_LOGIN_EVENT_PUB PER: User Login Event Publication for Search Method of publication of user login events for HCM objects search purpose. Global Human Resources Security Site ATOM
ORA_PER_CHK_ORACLE_SEARCH_INDEX_ENABLED Oracle Search Index for Journeys Enabled Enable Oracle Search index for Journeys. This needs to be set before doing the initial ingest or any incremental ingestion. If this is not enabled, no elastic ingestion will happen. Global Human Resources Allocated Checklists Site Y

Optionally, you need to review and configure the profile options shown in this table as applicable for your environment.

Profile Option Code Profile Display Name Application Module Required Profile Level Required Profile Value
ORA_FND_SEARCH_INITIAL_INGEST_THREAD_COUNT Number of threads used for initial ingest process Oracle Middleware Extensions for Applications Oracle Middleware Extensions for Applications Site As applicable for your environment.
ORA_FND_SEARCH_FETCH_COUNT Row fetch count for initial ingest process Oracle Middleware Extensions for Applications Oracle Middleware Extensions for Applications Site As applicable for your environment.

Run Process to Create Index Definition and Perform Initial Ingest

You need to run the ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS process twice, once each for the fa-hcm-workerjourney and fa-hcm-workerjourneytask parameters.

On the application home page, use the Scheduled Processes app under the Tools tab to run the process specified in this table:

Job Name
ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS

OSCS stands for Oracle Search Cloud Service.

Parameter Name Parameter Value
Index Name to Reingest fa-hcm-workerjourney
Index Name to Reingest fa-hcm-workerjourneytask

Review Logging Profile Options

You need to run the ACL processes with certain minimal logging capabilities turned on. Use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to review and configure the profile options shown in this table.

Profile Option Code Profile Display Name Application Module Required Profile Level Required Profile Value
AFLOG_ENABLED FND: Log Enabled Oracle Middleware Extensions for Applications Application Logging Site or User level for the user running ACL processes Yes
AFLOG_LEVEL Oracle Middleware Extensions for Applications Application Logging Site or User level for the user running ACL processes Severe
AFLOG_MODULE Oracle Middleware Extensions for Applications Application Logging Site or User level for the user running ACL processes %

Run Process to Create ACL Index

You need to run the ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS process only if the ACL index doesn't exist.

On the application home page, use the Scheduled Processes app under the Tools tab to run the process specified in this table.

Job Name
ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS
Parameter Name Parameter Value
Index Name to Reingest fa-hcm-acl

Run the Compute Users ACL Process

On the application home page, use the Scheduled Processes app under the Tools tab to run the process specified in this table.

You need to run the process one time only.

Job Name Parameter Name Parameter Value
Compute Users ACL User Population All users

Then, schedule the processes specified in these tables.

You need to schedule the processes only if they aren't scheduled yet.

Job Name Frequency
Compute Users ACL by Event Every 15 - 60 minutes
Job Name Parameter Name Parameter Value Frequency
Compute Users ACL User Population Logged in users Every 30 - 120 minutes

Set Journeys Search Profile Options

Use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to review and configure the profile options shown in this table.

Profile Option Code Profile Display Name Profile Option Description Application Module Required Profile Level Required Profile Value
ORA_PER_CHK_ORACLE_SEARCH_UI_ENABLED Oracle Search for Journeys Enabled Enable Oracle Search for Journeys for My Journeys, Team Journeys, and Organization Journeys UIs.

Enabling this profile option will display Team Journeys and Organization Journeys tab instead of existing Assigned Journeys tab.

Global Human Resources Allocated Checklists Site Y
ORA_PER_CHK_ORACLE_SEARCH_DIRECT_INGEST_ENABLED Direct Uptake of Data for Oracle Search in Journeys Enabled Enable direct uptake of data for Oracle Search in Journeys. This profile option enables direct ingestion during UI operations instead of the default near real time ingestion. This only affects incremental ingestion during any updates happening in the UI. The ingestion bypasses the queue and is directly done on the index which guarantees the elastic-based journeys UI to show latest data immediately. Global Human Resources Allocated Checklists Site Y

Troubleshoot Record Mismatches

Consider these points when you troubleshoot:
  • When setting up an Oracle Search-based feature for the first time in a pod, including the production pod, the user has to first turn on the feature before creating the required indexes by running the full ingestion process. It means that the feature is unavailable for a certain time (even hours).
  • Even a single excessively large document can make the entire full ingestion process to fail.
  • After the ingestion is completed, you need to run the HCM Journeys Oracle Search Diagnostics Report diagnostic report.
  • If there is a discrepancy between the number of records in the database versus in the index, you need to manually compare this difference with the assigned journeys visible on the Organization Journeys tab. Once you determine the missing journeys, you will need to run the Mass Ingest Journeys Data process with the Person Numbers parameter to re-ingest the data.
  • Users have to manually run the full ingestion process after upgrades and separately for every index they use. When a user upgrades their environment, including the production environment, the new code may require related index changes. Such an upgrade will only be fully functional for users when the full ingestion process completes successfully. It means that Oracle Search-based features may not work until that time.
  • Users have to manually run the full ingestion process after production to test (P2T).