Task Types in Journeys

Task types determine the type of journey task, the task performer needs to complete.

These are the task types you can configure:

Task Type

What You Use it For

When is Task Complete


Advanced Task Combine 3 task types into a single task. The task types you can combine are listed here:
  • Document
  • External URL
  • Application Task
  • Video
  • Embedded Learning
  • Questionnaire
  • Configurable Form
  • Electronic Signature
  • Report
  • Learn Community
  • Learn Enrollment

When configuring electronic signature, if you want the user to sign the document, you need to select the Report task type and provide the report path. Then specify the Document Type to indicate where the signed document needs to be saved.

See the topic, How You Create an Advanced Task in Journeys

User clicks the Done or Complete button Watch a video, complete a survey, and sign a document as part of onboarding.
Analytics Specify the OTBI report path and parameter to display tables, bars, and graphs.
When setting up the task, you can specify the type of analysis parameters you want to pass at run time:
  • Name: The name of the attribute in the OTBI subject area along with the object name. For example, "Worker"."Assignment ID" or Worker". "Person ID"
  • Type: Lists the supported attributes which are Person ID and Assignment ID.

This task type is available only for Guided Journeys.

User views the analysis on the guided journey task window. View the analysis displaying person journey details in a guided journey task. The OTBI Analysis path for this example would be something like this:
/shared/Custom/Human Capital Management/Person Checklist Details
And the analysis parameters in this example would be:
  • Type = Person Id
  • Name = "Worker"."Person ID"

Application Task

Select a task from a list of tasks that can be performed within the application itself. You can select the task based on the performer of the task.

See the topic, How You Configure Completion Criteria for a Journey Task

User is taken to another page to do the task but revisits the task page to mark the task as done or complete.

Update personal details.

Configurable Form

Define configurable forms and capture additional details. Although the details will be captured using the form, the information won't be updated in the respective fields of the application.

See these topics:

  • How You Create Configurable Forms in Journeys

  • Journey Descriptive Flexfields

User clicks the Complete button.

Fill forms related to corporate policy, tax.


Attach a document that workers can download, see, and read as part of their tasks.

User clicks the Done or Complete button.

Download insurance form, print (optional), fill up or enter details, scan (if printed) the form and upload as attachment.

Electronic Signature - DocuSign

Create tasks where workers can electronically sign during the onboarding process.

Allows users to electronically sign the document in DocuSign. Requires integration with third-party service provider, DocuSign.

See the topic, Configure Electronic Signature Using DocuSign in Journeys

User is taken to another page to do the task but revisits the task page to mark the task as done or complete.

Sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Embedded Application Task To embed task regions within a journey task to easily complete application tasks and reduce navigation. User is directly taken to the Journeys page to do the task and mark the task as done or complete.
  • Update document record details.
  • Update address details.
Embedded Learn Include learning content to help a task performer in their journey.
You can include these content subtypes:
  • Document
  • Video
User clicks the Done button after they view the complete video in an embedded learn video task or after they have clicked the See document link in an embedded learn document task. Training video that an employee needs to watch as part of their new hire onboarding process.

External URL

Define an external URL that workers will use to perform the task. You can create an URL that includes specific parameters or create the URL using the Manage Integration of Additional Applications task in Setup and Maintenance.

See the topic, How You Configure the URL for an External URL Task Type in Journeys

User is taken to another page to do the task but revisits the task page to mark the task as done or complete.

Link to the benefits provider site.

I-9 Verification

Enables users to update or verify personal details during I-9 employment eligibility verification (US specific only) using HireRight.

See the topic, Integrate Journeys with HireRight for I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification

User is taken to another page to do the task but revisits the task page to mark the task as done or complete.

Verify employment eligibility during onboarding.

Learn Community Associate the learn community task type to the title of a predefined learning item. User clicks the Done button. Join a community for new hires.
Learn Enrollment Associate the learn enrollment task type to any of these predefined learning items:
  • Course
  • Learning Journey
  • Offering
  • Specialization
User clicks the Done button. Enroll for a specialization in programming.

Manual Task

Create a task that workers need to perform outside of the application.

User clicks the Done or Complete button.

Introduce the new hire to the team.

Native Electronic Signature

Create a task where workers can provide their consent by entering their name and email address.

There are two ways you can configure this. You can specify the report path and document type to save the signed document in document records or keep it basic without configuring these fields.

When the Report Path hasn't been configured for a native electronic signature journey task, the View Document link won't be displayed.

You can see the date on which the consent was provided. Only the name of the person providing their signature is validated against the logged in user's name. There's no validation for the optional email address field.

See the topic, Configure Native Electronic Signature in Journeys

User clicks the Done or Complete button.

Sign employment agreement.

Oracle Process Automation Enables users to automate business processes using the integration with Oracle Process Automation (OPA). See the topic, Integrate with Oracle Process Automation in Journeys. User clicks the Done or Complete button. Employee asset request, uniform request.


Add a questionnaire to collect feedback from workers.

You use the questionnaire functionality in HCM to create a questionnaire and select the appropriate subscriber depending on one of these journey categories:
  • Guided Journey - Guided Journeys
  • Survey (General) - Journey Surveys
  • Survey (Touchpoints) - Touchpoints
  • Other categories - HR Checklists

The data collected using a questionnaire is available only within that questionnaire. You can create a custom BI report to fetch that data for display.

To view and answer questions in a questionnaire, you need to add the HRT_MANAGE_QUESTIONNAIRES_PRIV privilege to your custom roles which need to access the questions in the journey task.

User clicks the Done or Complete button.

Onboarding survey, exit questionnaire, collect information.


Specify and include a link to a published BI report.

See the topic, How You Configure the Report Task Type in Journeys.

User is taken to another page to do the task but revisits the task page to mark the task as done or complete.

Report that has all the employee details such as personal and assignment details for employee review.

User Defined Content Display custom content from external end points in guided journeys. You can define a guided journey task by using this task type and connect a custom REST API.

This task type is available for all journey categories except the Survey category.

See the topic, Configure User Defined Content Task Type for a Journey

User is taken to a panel drawer on the same journey page to do the task. Global salary analysis for an employee based on their career level matrix.


Add a video using either an Embedded URL or a Media URL for a video.

  • Embedded URL: Supports videos hosted on media servers that support an embed format.
  • Media URL: Supports videos hosted on media servers that don't support the embedded format. For example, Oracle Universal Content Manager (UCM).

User clicks the Done or Complete button.

Welcome video from the CEO to address new hires in the organization.

Example of an Embedded URL on YouTube,

Example of Media URL and how you build the syntax of the URL:

Link to access UCM:
https://<pod URL>/cs 
When adding a media file from UCM, the link is generic. Example:
<generic internal URL>/cs/groups/fafusionimportexport/documents/digitalmedia/ytaw/mtu1/~edisp/ucmfa00155968.mp4

You need to replace the part that says generic internal URL with your actual pod URL.

The media URL for a video hosted in UCM will be something like this:
<actual pod URL>/cs/groups/fafusionimportexport/documents/digitalmedia/ytaw/mtu1/~edisp/ucmfa00155968.mp4

Points to Consider

  • You can configure Notifications, Reminders, and Notes for all task types.

  • If a document type is configured for the task, the attachments are stored in Document Records.

  • If a document type isn't specified, then the attachments are stored in Universal Content Manager and are accessible only from the completed journey task.

  • All attachments uploaded for a specific task are stored against the same document record created based on the document type configured for the task.

  • For tasks of the type Application, External URL, Learn Community, Learn Enrollment, Report, DocuSign, and I-9 Verification, the Done button is enabled only after the user accesses to the task at least once.

  • For tasks of the type Electronic Signature, the Done button is enabled only after the user clicks See Document at least once.