Person National Identifiers for Mexico

Oracle HCM Cloud for Mexico has several national identifiers, predefined in the application. Each of the national identifiers has a unique format and validations are provided in the application to validate the format.

National Identifiers:

  • Clave Unica de Registro de Población (CURP)
  • Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC)
  • Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS)
  • Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE)
  • Federal Government Affiliation
  • Military Service
Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for Mexico provides three levels of validation for CURP and RFC national identifiers. These levels depend upon the country extensions settings, as given below:

NID Validation

Country Extension Level of Validation
Human Resources or None Basic
Payroll Interface Intermediate
Payroll Full
Note: To select the country extension, refer to the How Country Extensions are Selected help topic.

Clave Unica de Registro de Población (CURP)

Curp is the Unique Population Registry Code. It is a unique 18-digit alphanumeric identifier assigned by the federal government agency, Registro Nacional de Población (RENAPO), to both citizens and residents of Mexico. The first sixteen digits of the identifier, also known as the root element, are made up of characters from the personal information of the person. The last two digits are assigned by RENAPO. The second last digit is a letter assigned to avoid duplication of the CURP number and the last is a check digit number to validate the authenticity of the number.

For example, Ortiz Bonilla René, was born in the Distrito Federal on September 20, 1978. His CURP number is given below:

Mexico CURP Example

The CURP number comprises of digits obtained from the personal information of the person. The first 16 characters are known as the root segment. The root is complemented and it's unrepeatable with the Homoclave and Check Digit.

CURP Structure

CURP Structure Personal Information Example
Root Segment First letter and first vowel of the Paternal Last Name OI
First letter of the Maternal Last Name B
First letter of the First Name R
Year, month and day of Date of Birth 780920
Person’s gender: (H) for man and (M) for woman H
Two letter state code DF (for Distrito Federal)
First internal consonants of Paternal Last Name, Maternal Last Name and First Name RNN
Homoclave Letter assigned by RENAPO to avoid duplicate registrations O
Check Digit Number assigned by RENAPO 9

Foreign workers that are not issued with a CURP must use the CURP shown below:

CURP for Foreign Workers

Gender CURP Validation
Male XEXX010101HNEXXXA4 Checks that the person’s gender is male.
Female XEXX010101MNEXXXA8 Checks that the person’s gender is female.
Note: This implies that the CURP may be duplicated if your organization has many foreign employees.

CURP Validation

Country Extension CURP Validation Level Validation
Human Resources or None Basic Format (alphabetic, alphanumeric and numeric characters)
Payroll Interface Intermediate
  • Basic Validation
  • Structure rules (name letters, date of birth, gender, state code, and so on)
  • Exception rules (names and words to ignore, inappropriate words, and so on)
  • If an exception occurs, the application sends a warning message, however, you can continue entering the information
Payroll Full
  • Basic Validation
  • Structure rules (name letters, date of birth, gender, state code, and so on)
  • Exception rules (names and words to ignore, inappropriate words, and so on)
  • If an exception occurs, the application errors out and you cannot continue until you fix the data
Some exception rules defined by the Mexico government are managed with Lookup Types. For CURP these lookup types are:

Lookup Types

Lookup Type Description Purpose
ORA_HRX_MX_SKIP_FNAME_CURP Skip certain names for CURP first name validation The names included in this list are in the first name validation and are to be considered exceptions
ORA_HRX_MX_EXCEPT_WORDS_CURP Exception words for CURP validation Corresponds to the Catalog of inconvenient words. This is a list of four-letter words that are considered invalid and will cause an exception error

A person may have a CURP that does not meet the validation rules and the application errors and you cannot proceed. However, the person’s official documents confirm that the CURP is correct. In this case, you may disable the exception word so that the validation check is avoided and the CURP may be entered without error.

For example, the person’s CURP is BACA760801MDFRNN08. According to the catalog of inconvenient words, BACA isn't valid and is to be substitued with BXCA. However, the person’s official documents show that the CURP is correct.

To disable the exception check for BACA so that you are able to enter the person’s CURP:
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Common Lookups task.
  2. In the Lookup Type search field, enter ORA_HRX_MX_EXCEPT_WORDS_CURP.
  3. Click Search.
  4. In the Lookup Codes region, select the ORA_BACA row.
  5. To disable the ORA_BACA Lookup Code, uncheck the Enabled check box.
  6. To save your work, click Save and Close.

Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC)

RFC is the Federal Taxpayers Registry; the tax registration number that is assigned to taxpayers by the Mexican tax authority, Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT). The RFC is a unique 13-digit alphanumeric identifier. The first ten characters of the identifier, also known as the root element, are constituted by characters obtained from the personal information of the person. The last three characters are assigned by SAT. The third and second last characters are assigned to avoid duplication of the RFC identifier and the last is a check digit number to validate the authenticity of the identifier.

For example, Ortiz Bonilla Rene, was born on September 20, 1978. His RFC number is given below:Mexico RFC Example

RFC Structure

RFC Structure Personal Information Example
Root Segment First letter and first vowel of the Paternal Last Name OI
First letter of the Maternal Last Name B
First letter of the First Name R
Year, month and day of Date of Birth 780920
Homoclave Letter assigned by SAT to avoid duplicate registrations F1
Check Digit Number assigned by SAT 1

When an employee has passed away, the RFC identifier is entered as XAXX010101000. The date of death must be entered for a person when assigning this RFC. This implies that the RFC may be duplicated.

RFC Validation

Oracle HCM Cloud for Mexico provides three levels of validation for the RFC identifier:

RFC Identifier Validation

Country Extension RFC Validation Level Validation
Human Resources or None Basic
  • Length
  • Format (alphabetic, alphanumeric and numeric characters)
Payroll Interface Intermediate
  • Basic Validation
  • Structure rules (name letters and date of birth)
  • Exception rules (names and words to ignore, inappropriate words, and so on)
  • If an exception occurs, the application sends a warning message. However, you can continue entering the information.
Payroll Full
  • Basic Validation
  • Structure rules (name letters and date of birth)
  • Exception rules (names and words to ignore, inappropriate words, and so on)
  • If an exception occurs, the application errors out and you can't continue until you fix the data
Some exception rules defined by the Mexico government are managed with Lookup Types. For RFC these lookup types are:

RFC Lookup Types

Lookup Type Description Purpose
ORA_HRX_MX_SKIP_FNAME_RFC Skip certain names for RFC first name validation The names included in this list are in the first name validation and are to be considered exceptions
ORA_HRX_MX_EXCEPTION_WORDS_RFC Exception words for RFC validation This is a list of four letter words that are considered invalid and will cause an exception error

A person may have a RFC that does not meet the validation rules and the application errors and you cannot proceed. However, the person’s official documents confirm that the RFC is correct. In this case, you may disable the exception word so that the validation check is avoided and the RFC may be entered without error.

For example, the person’s RFC is CUCM881008F11. Because the person’s first name is MA, it falls in the into the category of skip name therefore the RFC should not contain an M. But, the person’s official documents show that the RFC is correct. To disable the exception check for MA so that you are able to enter the person’s RFC:
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Common Lookups task.
  2. In the Lookup Type search field, enter ORA_HRX_MX_SKIP_FNAME_RFC .
  3. Click Search.
  4. In the Lookup Codes region, select the ORA_MA Lookup Code row.
  5. To disable the ORA_MA Lookup Code, uncheck the Enabled check box
  6. To save your work, click Save and Close.

Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS)

The IMSS is a unique 11-digit identifier for social security, assigned to all employees who work for a non-public sector employer. The characters of the Social Insurance Number IMSS refer to:
  • IMSS delegation
  • Year of IMSS subscription
  • Year of birth

The last four digits of the IMSS identifier is issued by the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) to avoid duplication in the identifier.

For example, Ortiz Bonilla René, was born on September 20 (09) 1978, was subscribed to IMSS in 1996 and his IMSS Delegation is Delegación 1 Noroeste, D.F., Nodo de Telecomunicaciones. His IMSS number is:

Mexico IMSS Example

The IMSS identifier comprises:
  • First two digits that are derived from the IMSS delegation (01)
  • The next two digits corresponds to the year of IMSS subscription (96)
  • The next two digits are the person’s year of birth (78)

These 10 digits are known as the root segment. The root is complemented and becomes unrepeatable with a four-digit Control Number and a Check Digit Number, both issued by the IMSS.

There are cases when the worker documentation filed with IMSS does not have the date and/or place of birth. In such cases, the IMSS NSS internal procedure assigns the IMSS Entity Code for the fourth and fifth digits.
Note: IMSS identifier validation isn't related to the Country Extension feature.

Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE)

The ISSSTE identifier is a unique 11-digit identifier assigned to all employees who work for the federal government. ISSTE is similar to IMSS.
Note: ISSSTE ID validation isn't related to Country Extension feature.

Federal Government Affiliation

The Federal Government Affiliation ID is a unique 13-character free format identifier assigned to all employees who work for federal government agencies. It's used in several reports for public sector institutions.
Note: Federal Government Affiliation ID validation isn't related to Country Extension feature.

Military Service

The Military Service ID is a unique 13-character free format identifier assigned to all men who are enrolled in the Army or the Navy. All young men in the age group of 16 to 18 years old are required to do Military Service for one year.

The validations for the Military Service ID include:
  • Must be 13 characters in length
  • Is valid only for male workers
Note: Military Service ID validation isn't related to Country Extension feature.

For more information, see the Document 2116899.1 - National Identifier Validation on My Oracle Support (MOS).