Create a Third-Party Organization or Person for Bahrain

Deductions from the employees can be paid to third parties, that is, a court, an external organization, or an individual directly.

Third Party Organization

To create a third-party organization for Bahrain:
  1. Select the Third Parties task from the Payroll work area.
  2. Click Create to create a new third party.
  3. Select the Organization Party Type.
  4. Select External Payee as Party Usage Code.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Enter the name of the third party.
  7. Click Add in the Addresses region to add a new address.
  8. Click Add in the Contacts region to add a new contact.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. Select the legislative data group to create Payment method to the third party.
  11. Click Yes.
  12. Select Organization Payment Method.
    Note: The Organization Payment Method being selected must be added in Valid Payment Methods of Payroll Definition.
  13. Click Add to create a bank account
    Note: The Bank Accounts region is displayed when the organization payment method is EFT.
  14. Click Submit.

Third Party Person

To create a third-party person:
  1. Select the Third Parties task from the Payroll work area:
  2. Click Create to create a new third party.
  3. Select the Party Type as Person.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Enter the name of the person.
  6. Click Add in the Addresses region to add a new address.
  7. Click Add in the Contacts region to add a new contact.,
  8. Click Submit.
  9. Select the legislative data group to create Payment method to the third party.
  10. Click Yes.
  11. Select Organization Payment Method
    Note: The Organization Payment Method being selected must be added in Valid Payment Methods of Payroll Definition.
  12. Select the Person in the Payroll Relationships region for whom you want to associate this third party.
  13. Click Add to create a bank account.
    Note: The Bank Accounts region is displayed when the organization payment method is EFT.
  14. Click Submit.