Create an Employer Social Insurance Calculation Card for Bahrain

Follow these steps to create an Employer Social Insurance Calculation Card.

  1. Set the scope for this task by selecting the legal entity.
  2. Select Manage Legal Entity Calculation Cards in the implementation project task list.
  3. Click Go to Task.
  4. Click Create.
  5. On the Create Calculation Card page, enter the Effective As-of Date and the Name for this card: Employer Social Insurance Details.

  6. Click Continue.
  7. Enter the required information for processing social insurance deductions in the Bahrain Employer Social Insurance Details:
    • Employer Type: The employer type can be government sector, military sector, Joint Stock Company, Petroleum sector or private sector. The deduction rules are applied based on the type of sector you choose.

    • Contributory Salary Reference Formula: You can define the formula that calculates the contributory salary at the legal entity level. The contributory salary value is derived from this formula and is used as the reference value for social insurance calculation. This formula must have the value returned using variable CONTRIBUTORY_BASE.

  8. Review the information entered.
  9. Click Submit to save the Social Insurance Calculation Card.