Allocate Costs to Several Accounts

When you allocate costs, you create multiple cost accounts that share a cost. You can allocate the cost results for departments, jobs, positions, and people. You can allocate the priority cost account for an element.

Allocate Costs

Manage allocations by following these steps.

  1. Query the object, such as a job, and create a row for each account you want to add.

  2. Select the account number for the segments that are defined only at that level, such as the cost center.

  3. Specify the percentage of the cost to charge the account.

  4. Repeat the steps for each account.

  5. Review the total allocation.

    If the total allocation doesn't equal 100 percent, the application charges the remaining percentage of the costs to the default account. Default account is determined using information in this table.

    Account Charged Allocated Percentage

    Account Charged Unallocated Percentage

    Cost account

    Default account

    Priority cost account

    Cost account