Define Legal Authorities for Kuwait

A legal authority is a government or legal body charged with powers to make laws, levy and collect fees and taxes, and remit financial appropriations for a given jurisdiction. You can use the Manage Legal Authorities task to create legal authorities.

There are no predefined legal authorities. You must create a legal authority for each government entity, such as a local tax office, that has a relationship with the enterprise. Remember to register each legal entity you create with a legal authority.

Let's look at how to define legal authorities.

  1. Click Navigator -> Setup and Maintenance.

  2. On the Setup page, select Workforce Deployment offering.

  3. Select the Legal Structures functional area and then Manage Legal Authorities task.

  4. On the Manage Legal Authorities page, click Create.

  5. On the Create Legal Authority page:

    • Select the Tax Authority Type based on the type of interaction. Typically, this is set to Collecting and Reporting.

    • Add one or more addresses.

    • Add one or more legislative categories, such as the predefined Social Insurance category. This establishes a link between the legal authority and all jurisdictions associated with the legislative category you selected.

    • Click Save and Close.