Personal Payment Method Alerts Template

Personal payment method (PPM) alert template automatically sends personalized email notifications to employees. Based on logic, the email notification includes details about the PPM type created, updated or deleted.

You can use the PPM_ALERT alert templates as delivered or deactivate the delivered template and create new to change logic for notification generation, email content, font size, font style, graphics and links, to meet your communication style.

Use the Alerts Composer tool to enable and configure your email notifications. The templates are in Groovy programming language and contain tokens. Tokens are placeholders where information specific to the alert is filled in and included in the email notification.

These are the tokens supported by the personal payment method template:




User Name of the person performing the Operation self-service user or Administrative User.


User Name of the employee associated with the PPM.


Identifies when the action is performed by self-service user.


Name of the personal payment method.


Person Id of the employee associated with the PPM.


Effective Start date of the PPM.


Effective End date of the PPM.


Action performed on PPM, such as create, update, or delete.


Identifies when the action creates an EFT source type of PPM. If PPM is created with an EFT source Type, bank, branch, account number and masked account number are associated.


Name of bank associated with the PPM of EFT source type.


Name of bank branch associated with the PPM of EFT source type.


Masked account number associated with the PPM of EFT source type.


Identifies when the PPM is created with a non-EFT source Type, like check.


Identifies when the PPM is updated.


Identifies when the PPM is corrected.


Identifies when the PPM is end-dated.


Identifies when the PPM is permanently deleted.

Both the subject and body of the delivered template contain the same logic to determine when to send an email notification, to whom, and what to include for each notification. However, the logic in the alert subject sends the content for the subject, the logic in the alert body sends content for the body, and they're sent in one single email notification. There are 6 Groovy expressions in each that cover the following 11 scenarios to send ppm alerts to the employee. With the exception of the deletion of a personal payment method, each expression handles 2 scenarios using the common IF, THEN, ELSE logic.


Alert Logic

Email Notification

An EFT PPM (direct deposit) is created


it's created by the employee self-service user


<% if(Operation.equals('CREATE_EFT')){ %> <%if(ssoUser){%>Your PPM with bank information was created<%}else{%>Your PPM with bank information was created for you <%}%> <%} %>


Hello <%if(UserName !=null){%>${UserName}<%}%>z<BR>

<% if(Operation.equals('CREATE_EFT')){ %> <%if(ssoUser){%>Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) with bank account ending with ${MaskedAccountNum} has been created successfully. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.<%}else{%> Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) with bank account ending with ${MaskedAccountNum} has been created for you. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.<%}%> <%} %>

<BR>Thank you

Hello <%if(UserName

Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) with bank account ending with ${MaskedAccountNum} has been created successfully.

Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.

Thank you

An EFT PPM (direct deposit) is created


it's NOT created by the employee self-service user

Same logic as above for the ELSE expression.


Hello <%if(UserName

Your PPM with bank information was created for you


Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) with bank account ending with ${MaskedAccountNum} has been created for you.

Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.

Thank you

A non-EFT PPM (check) is created


it's created by the employee self-service user


Hello <%if(UserName !=null){%>${UserName}<%}%>z<BR>

<% if(Operation.equals('CREATE_NON_EFT')){ %> <%if(ssoUser){%>Your PPM was created<%}else{%> Your PPM was created for you <%}%> <%} %>


Hello <%if(UserName !=null){%>${UserName}<%}%>z<BR>

<% if(Operation.equals('CREATE_NON_EFT')){ %> <%if(ssoUser){%>Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been created successfully. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions. <%}else{%>Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been created successfully for you. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.<%}%> <%} %>

<BR>Thank you

Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been created successfully.

Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.

Thank you

A non-EFT PPM (check) is created


it's NOT created by the employee self-service user

Same logic as above for the ELSE expression.


Your PPM was created for you


Hello <%if(UserName

Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been created successfully for you.

Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.

Thank you

A PPM is corrected


it's corrected by the employee self-service user


<% if(Operation.equals('CORRECTION')){ %> <%if(ssoUser){%>Your PPM information was updated<%}else{%> Your PPM information was updated for you<%}%><%} %>


Hello <%if(UserName !=null){%>${UserName}<%}%>z<BR>

<% if(Operation.equals('CORRECTION')){ %> <%if(ssoUser){%> Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been updated successfully. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.<%}else{%>Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been updated successfully for you. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions. <%}%> <%} %>

<BR>Thank you

Subject: Your PPM information was updated


Hello <%if(UserName

Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been updated successfully.

Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.

Thank you

A PPM is corrected


it's NOT corrected by the employee self-service user

Same logic as above for the ELSE expression.


Your PPM information was updated for you


Hello <%if(UserName

Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been updated successfully for you.

Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.

Thank you

A PPM is updated


it's updated by the employee self-service user

Subject: <% if(Operation.equals('UPDATE')){%> <%if(ssoUser){%>Your PPM information was updated<%}else{%> Your PPM information was updated for you<%}%><%} %>


Hello <%if(UserName !=null){%>${UserName}<%}%>z<BR>

<% if(Operation.equals('UPDATE')){%> <%if(ssoUser){%>Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been updated successfully. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.<%}else{%>Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been updated successfully for you. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions. <%}%><%} %>

<BR>Thank you


Your PPM information was updated


Hello <%if(UserName

Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been updated successfully. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.

Thank you

A PPM is updated


it's NOT updated by the employee self-service user

Same logic as above for the ELSE expression.


Your PPM information was updated for you


Hello <%if(UserName

Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been updated successfully for you.

Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.

Thank you

A PPM is end-dated


it's end-dated by the employee self-service user


<% if(Operation.equals('END_DATED')){%> <%if(ssoUser){%>Your PPM information was end-dated<%}else{%> Your PPM information was end-dated for you<%}%><%} %>


Hello <%if(UserName !=null){%>${UserName}<%}%>z<BR>

<% if(Operation.equals('END_DATED')){%> <%if(ssoUser){%>Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been end-dated as of ${EffectiveEndDate}. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions. <%}else{%>Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been end-dated as of ${EffectiveEndDate} for you. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions. <%}%><%} %>

<BR>Thank you


Your PPM information was end-dated


Hello <%if(UserName

Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been end-dated as of ${EffectiveEndDate}. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.

Thank you

A PPM is end-dated


it's NOT end-dated by the employee self-service user

Same logic as above for the ELSE expression.


Hello <%if(UserName

Your PPM information was end-dated for you


Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been end-dated as of ${EffectiveEndDate} for you. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.

Thank you

A PPM is deleted


there is no condition for type of user


<% if(Operation.equals('ZAPPED')){%> Your PPM information was deleted for you<%}%>


Hello <%if(UserName !=null){%>${UserName}<%}%>z<BR>

<% if(Operation.equals('ZAPPED')){%> Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been permanently deleted for you. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions.<%} %>

<BR>Thank you


Hello <%if(UserName

Your PPM information was deleted for you


Your Personal Payment Method (${PPMName}) has been permanently deleted for you. Contact your Payroll Specialist with any questions

Thank you