Rates Based on Retained Grades

You can calculate rates based on an employee's retained grade rate details.

In certain organizations, an employee is entitled to retain their previous grade even after moving to a position of lower responsibility. The grade is retained for a fixed time beginning on the date the employee is placed in the lower-graded position, until grade retention is terminated.

For example, an organization restructure moves an employee from grade 13 to grade 12. They are placed on the retained grade of 13 for a period of time, such as two years. During such time, the employee should be paid at a higher of their assignment grade and retained grade.

If the assignment grade exceeds the retained grade, then the retained grade should be ended even if it's within the retained grade period.

It's possible that a company has multiple organization structures and therefore multiple retained grades. In such a scenario, the employee should be paid on the retained grade with the most recent date.