Create a Rule That Calculates the Daily 8h Threshold for Expenditure and Payroll Time Types

You want to calculate daily regular and overtime hours to store with expenditure and payroll types.

This rule uses an 8-hour threshold and updates reported time by adjusting calculated results, rather than creating more hours. It stores calculated hours under the threshold with the Professional Straight Time expenditure type and the Regular pay attribute value. It stores calculated hours over the threshold with the Professional Overtime expenditure type and the Overtime pay attribute.

Before you start

Create a Rule Template That Calculates the Threshold for Expenditure and Payroll Time Types

Here's what to do

  1. In the Time Management work area, on the Tasks panel tab, click Rules.
  2. On the Rules page, click the Create icon.
  3. On the Create Rule dialog box, complete these steps:
    1. In the Name field, enter Daily Threshold 8h Update TCR.
    2. In the Template Type field, select Time calculation rule.
    3. In the Rule Template Name field, select Threshold for Expenditure and Pay Types.
    4. Click Continue.
  4. On the Create Time Calculate Rule: Daily 8h Threshold for Expenditure and Pay Types page, complete these steps:
    1. In the Basic Information section, Description field, enter this text: Calculates daily regular time and overtime for expenditure and payroll types using all time entries and an 8-hour threshold.
    2. In the Rule Parameter section, Daily Overtime Threshold row, set the Value to 8.
    3. In the Time to Consider row, set Value to All Payroll Entries.
    4. In the Outputs section, Under Expenditure Type row, set Value to Professional Straight Time.
    5. In the Under Pay Type row, set Value to Regular.
    6. In the Over Expenditure Type row, set Value to Professional Overtime.
    7. In the Over Pay Type row, set Value to Overtime.
    8. Click Save and Close.

What to do next

Create the Projects and Payroll Time Calculation Rule Set