Delivered Time Consumer Sets

The delivered time processing profiles use these delivered time consumer sets. You can also use them in your own time processing profiles.

Delivered Consumer Set Description
Payroll Only Applies to only time entries identified by the delivered All Payroll Entries time category
Project Execution Management Only Applies to only time entries identified by the delivered All Absence Entries time category
Projects and Payroll

Applies to only time entries identified by the delivered All Project Entries time category for Project Costing

Applies to only time entries identified by the delivered All Absence Entries time category for Project Execution Management

Applies to only time entries identified by the delivered All Payroll Entries time category for Payroll
Projects Only Applies to only time entries identified by the All Project Entries time category

To quickly find these time consumer sets, in the Description field, search for Delivered. To save time when creating your own consumer sets, duplicate the delivered set that most closely meets your needs. Then, edit the duplicate set to support your time processing policies.