How Many Time Device Event Mapping Sets and Web Clock Buttons to Create

When you create a layout component for Web Clock, you can define as many buttons as you want. If your people use Web Clock, you can optionally, link web clock events with a time device processing profile, as needed:

  1. Link a web clock layout with groups of people using time entry profiles.
  2. Assign the same groups of people to a time device processing profile that doesn't include an event mapping set or time device export data.

You can link only one time device event mapping set to a time device processing profile. But, you can link as many mappings to a mapping set as you want.

Use these questions to help you decide how many event mapping sets or web clock buttons and button definitions you need to create.

  • Are there unique events for time collection devices or web clocks in different areas, buildings, or regions?
  • Are there events that are relevant only in certain years, for example, some time attributes relate to a location that you closed?
  • Do you group certain events from time devices or web clock together for payroll eligibility? For example, some payroll-related time attributes are effective for only certain date ranges.