Displayed and Hidden Responsive Team Compensation Fields

You can configure team compensation fields using Transaction Design Studio.


You can configure these assignment attributes, which make up the Overview, Compensation, and Talent tabs of the My Team pages.

Attribute Displayed Comments
Image Yes None
Person Display Name Yes None
Business Title Yes Formerly known as Assignment Name. For incumbents, this field isn't displayed by default.
Number of direct reports and total number of reports Yes None
Text for non-primary assignments Yes None
Text for suspended assignments Yes None
Icon and text for dotted line/matrix relationships Yes Includes text for relationship type. Line manager relationships don't display this field.
Text for worker type Yes Not displayed for individuals.
Person List Name No None
Preferred Name (or Known As) and Last Name No None
Person Number No None
Assignment Number No None
Job Name No None
Job Code No None
Job Name and Job Code No None
Position Name No None
Position Code No None
Position Name and Position Code No None
Location Name No None
Location Code No None
Location Name and Location Code No None
Country Name No None
Country Code No None
Location Name and Country Code No None
Local Time and Location Name No None
Work E-mail Address No None
Work Phone Number No None
Assignment Type No None
Legal Employer No None
Legislation No None
Legislation Code No None
Cost Center No None
Department Name No None
Grade Name No None
Grade Code No None
Service Years No None
Business Unit No None
Current Salary, Currency and Basis No None
Salary Range, Currency and Basis No None
Compa-Ratio No None
Development Goals No None
Performance Goals No None
Performance No None
Potential No None
Risk of Loss No None
Impact of Loss No None
Talent Score No None

Team Compensation

You can configure this team compensation attribute.

Attribute Displayed
Current to Use Yes


You can configure these position attributes, which make up the Overview, Compensation, and Talent tabs of the My Team pages.

Attribute Displayed Comments
Position Name Yes None
Position Code Yes None
Business Unit Yes This field isn't displayed by default on mobile devices.
Number of direct reports and total number of reports Yes None
Headcount and FTE of incumbents Yes None
Headcount and FTE of open positions Yes None
Department Name No None
Location Name No None
Job Name No None
Entry Grade No None
Valid Grades No None
Grade Ladder No None
Position Headcount and FTE No None
Hiring Status No None
Type No None


You can configure these requisition attributes on the Overview tab of the My Team pages.

Attribute Displayed
Requisition Title Yes
Requisition Number Yes
Requisition Status Yes
Recruiter Yes
Number of Candidates No
Days Since Opened No
Location No
Department No
Work Location No
Job Name No
Job Family No
Job Function No
Job Grade No
Requisition Template No
Internal Title No
Number to Hire No
Unlimited Hire No


You can configure these vacancy attributes on the Overview tab of the My Team pages.

Attribute Displayed
Vacancy Job Yes
Department Yes
Location Yes
Openings Yes
Requisition Number No
Position Name No
Remaining Openings No