Document Records for Salary

Proposers can attach document records while submitting salary proposals using responsive Change Salary and Salary History actions. Approvers can view the attachments while deciding to approve or reject the proposal.

After approval, the attachments are available in the individual's document records. People can also see the attached document records on the My Compensation and Compensation Info salary details pages.

Proposers can include document records of both Person and Assignment types. And actions tag document records with the action occurrence identifier. Here's what happens to salary and the document record during certain scenarios, and depending on your setup:

Scenario What Happens
During global transfer that copies salary
  • The Global Transfer action copies salary to the destination legal employer.
  • The action moves the assignment-level document record. But it doesn’t link the document to the copied salary.
When someone uses Change Salary to correct a salary created with HR actions, such as Hire, Promote, and Local and Global Transfer
  • The action creates an action occurrence.
  • The document of record created with the original transaction isn’t visible.
When someone uses Change Salary to correct a salary created with compensation actions, such as Change Salary or Salary History
  • The process doesn’t create an action occurrence.
  • The document of record created with the original transaction is visible.
When you've Reuse Action Occurrence Identifier enabled
  • Actions reuse the action occurrence when the effective date, action, and reason match that of the assignment. The document of record created with the original transaction is visible and people can’t delete it.
  • Actions create an action occurrence when the effective date, action, and reason are different. The document of record created with the original transaction isn’t visible.
When you've Combined Correction and Deletion for Assignment, Salary, and Document Records on View Employment Details Page enabled
  • Actions overwrite the action occurrence with the value selected by the proposer in the action. If the proposer’s selection is different from that of the salary, then the document of record attached to the salary isn’t visible.