Load Compensation Zone Geographies Using CSV File Export and Import

After you create you compensation zone types and zones, you can load the corresponding zone geographies from a .csv file.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Compensation offering, Base Pay functional area.
  2. In the Base Pay section, Show field, select All Tasks.
  3. If you don’t see the Actions column, on the toolbar select View > Columns > Actions.
  4. Generate a CSV export package for the Compensation Zones task by selecting Actions > Create New > Export to CSV File.
    1. On the Export Setup Data to CSV File page, enter a descriptive process name.
    2. Click Submit.
  5. Track the export process by selecting Actions > View All > Export to CSV File.
  6. Download the export file from the Export Setup Data to CSV File History: Compensation Zones page, after the export process completes. Select Actions > CSV File Package > Download.
  7. Extract the contents from the .zip file to an appropriate folder.
  8. Open the ORA_HZ_GEO_RELATIONSHIP.csv file.
  9. Using the existing geography rows as reference, add the new geographies. For each new geography, you need to add 2 rows to the file. To avoid corrupting the data, use a text editor, such as Notepad++, and not Microsoft Excel. Save the file as you go and when you're done.

    Also, the ORA_HZ_GEO_RELATIONSHIP.csv file has three start date columns. Here's the date you need to enter in each column:

    • StartDate: Enter the start date of the zone.
    • SubjStartDate:

      • If the 'SubjGeographyName' column is zone, enter the zone start date.
      • If the 'SubjGeographyName' column is postal code, enter the postal code start date.
    • ObjStartDate:

      • If the 'ObjGeographyName' column is zone, enter the zone start date.
      • If the 'ObjGeographyName' column is postal code, enter the postal code start date.

    You can source the start and end dates by running these two queries:

        to_char(start_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') start_date,
        to_char(end_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') end_date,
        geography_name in ('999999')
        AND country_code = 'US'
        AND geography_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
        AND geography_use = 'MASTER_REF'
        to_char(start_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') start_date,
        to_char(end_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') end_date,
        geography_name in ('_ZONE_NAME')
  10. Create a .zip file with all the extracted files and the updated ORA_HZ_GEO_RELATIONSHIP.csv file.
  11. Import the .zip file for the Compensation Zones task by selecting Actions > Create New > Import from CSV File.
  12. On the Import Setup Data from CSV File page, search for and select the new .zip file.
  13. Click Submit.
  14. Track the import process by selecting Actions > View All > Import from CSV File.
  15. After the process completes, you’re ready to verify the loaded geography data.