Market Segments

Market segments are groups of locations.

After you review your survey and internal locations you can select segments or locations based on geographic labor market pay differences. You can find the Market Segments task in the Compensation work area under Market Data.

You can decide, for example, that some of your market data should use internal locations for market comparisons, while other portions of your organization need segmentation. You might want to consolidate internal locations into market segments if your composites in some locations are all the same. Let’s say you have 3 offices in the San Francisco Bay Area, and the market data for those is the same.

Rather than loading the same data 3 times into 3 locations, you can create a market segment that includes your 3 locations and load the composites once. You might decide that the administrative jobs data differs enough locally in the Bay Area that you want to use internal locations for those jobs. However, the manager jobs don’t have such local differentiations. Load the administrative jobs using internal locations, and load the managerial jobs using segments.