Options to Configure Statement Eligibility and Summary Page

On the Statement Definition Statement Options tab, configure an optional summary page, eligibility profile, and visibility of the estimated amount indicators.

Summary Page

Top-level categories in the statement definition appear in the optional summary page and as separate pages in the statement.

The optional summary page provides workers with a high-level view of their total compensation in monetary and nonmonetary sections. Viewers can drill down to detailed category pages from the summary page or use regional area navigation links, depending on how you configure the category.

On the Statement Options tab, configure the following optional features of the summary page:

  • Monetary and Nonmonetary sections, each containing section-level descriptive text, graphs, and tables

  • Summary page descriptive text that can include rich text formatting and hyperlinks

  • Summary page supplemental information, such as hyperlinks to company policies and resources, which are displayed in a separate window

Tip: If you include a graph in the Nonmonetary section, all top-level categories in the nonmonetary summary should share the same unit of measure. You can exclude individual top-level categories from the summary.

Eligibility Profile

Attach an eligibility profile to limit the audience of the statement. The eligibility profile works as a further refinement to statement generation process parameters, such as business unit or legislative data group.

Example: Within a business unit, you create separate statement definitions for individual contributors and executive-level workers by:

  1. Creating eligibility profiles that differentiate between individual contributors and executive workers.

  2. Attaching each eligibility profile to the corresponding statement definition.

  3. Selecting the Business Unit parameter when generating either statement.

Estimated Amount Indicator

Displaying an estimated amount indicator in the statement requires two configuration steps:

  • Item definition: When creating compensation items, identify whether the item amounts are estimates.

  • Statement definition: On the Statement Options tab, specify whether to display or hide the indicator that visually denotes amounts as estimated.