Overview of Landing Page Analytics in Workforce Compensation Plans

You can include analytics for the entire workforce compensation plan at the bottom of the plan page. Be sure that when you make the predefined titles more meaningful for the plan audience, the changes don't exceed 40 characters, including spaces.

Analytic Description
Average Allocation Amount A meter gauge analytic available per component that shows the average allocation amount for that component. The percentage is calculated from the total number of individuals that report to the primary plan manager.
Workers Compensated A meter gauge analytic available per component that shows the percentage of compensated individuals. The percentage is calculated from the total number of individuals that report to the primary plan manager.
Budget Usage A bar chart showing how much budget remains for the primary plan manager. The budget amount is based on the total budget for the manager.
Manager Submitted A meter gauge analytic showing the number of subordinate plan managers who have submitted their plan changes for approval. The number is the total number of subordinate managers who report to the primary plan manager, including managers who report indirectly.
Workers Promoted A meter gauge analytic showing the number of people promoted as a part of the compensation cycle. The number is based on the total number of eligible individuals reporting to the primary plan manager.