Overview of Supplier Structures

The Supplier Structures page in the compensation work area iis where you match your internal jobs and locations to survey jobs and locations.

You start by adding your suppliers and their surveys. You can have multiple suppliers and each supplier can have multiple surveys. On the Manage Job List page, you load or manually add survey jobs and match them to your internal jobs or positions. On the Manage Location List page, you can load or manually add survey locations and match them to internal locations. You can match several internal locations to a survey location.

Here's a list of the subtasks under the supplier structures task:

Page Description
Manage Surveys You add your suppliers and their surveys on this page. You can have multiple suppliers and each supplier can have multiple surveys. You add details for each supplier. For example, you can add a supplier like Hay. And then you can add surveys from Hay like Hay Professional Survey and Hay Executive Survey.
Manage Job Structures You can associate job function, job family and other structures to survey jobs. These are entirely optional. If you do use these values you need to configure them before you add jobs. Then, you can select the attributes from job structures when you’re in the Manage Job List page. Job structurers are Job Family, Job Function, Career Stream or Band, or Career Level. You can use the Manage Jobs Structures task to contain info about the survey jobs per se. This associates these Job Structures to survey jobs only. It's not tied to internal jobs.
Manage Job List

You can load or manually add survey jobs or positions and match them to your internal jobs or positions. At the top of the page there’s info about the number of survey jobs and what you’ve matched. If you want to use any of the Job Structures (Job Function, Job Family, Career Stream or Band, Career Level or Other Level) associated to Survey Jobs, be sure to add them first or they won't be available to select. These are optional.

You use the Job Match Notes section to record notes about why job matches change over time. For example, last year you might have recorded internal Accountant 1 as a match to survey Accountant. But this year changes in the internal job description for Accountant 1 no longer matches the survey description for Accountant. Because you might need to explain this to the survey auditor at a later time, it’s a good idea to make a note about your decision when it occurred.

Manage Location List

On the Manage Location List page, you can load or manually add survey locations and match them to internal locations. You can match many internal locations to a survey location.

You can map on a many to 1 basis here. This is helpful especially if the survey location is broader than your internal locations. For example, if the survey location is Northern California, then you can include all of your Northern California locations, such as Pleansanton and Oakland in the mapping.

This helps your downstream analysis by associating the survey data with all the employees in those internal locations. Another example is if the survey data is by country, and you have a few locations in that country.