Workforce Compensation Plan Currency

You can let managers switch between the corporate currency, their preferred currency, and their people's local currencies. If you don't let people switch, then everyone sees monetary amounts in the corporate currency. You can also specify the default currency to show in plan worksheets. You can select how to display the currency in the worksheet. Options are currency code, currency name, and currency code and name.

Optionally, you can set a rounding rule to apply for a specified currency. For example, you want to round Euro (EUR) to nearest 10 and US dollars (USD) down to .01. These rules apply to any monetary columns that you enable in the worksheets when you set the column Rounding Rule to Use Currency Rounding.

Typically, you configure any rounding rules before running the Start Workforce Compensation Cycle process. For changes made during the cycle to take effect in the plan worksheets, you need to run the Refresh Workforce Compensation Data process.