Disability Report for Germany

The German Disability Report allows employers to report the number of disabled employees and additional information about them to the Employment Agency. This report generates three CSV files (a, c, and d), and an audit file.

This report generates three CSV files (a, c, and d), and an audit file. For more information on the files a, c, and d, visit the REHADAT-Elan website.

Frequently Asked Questions

This table lists frequently asked questions about this report.



How do I find this report?

In the Checklists work area, select Submit a Process or Report. Specify a German legislative data group (LDG). Select REHADAT Disability Report.

Who uses this report?

HR Managers and HCM Specialists

When do I use this report?

Run this report annually or as required for statutory purposes.

What prompts can I use to narrow the results of this report?

Use the Payroll Flow field to uniquely identify this payroll flow submission.

Use the Legal Employer field to specify the legal entity.

Use the Effective Date field and Start Date field to extract all disabled employees that have a work relationship with the company during the specified date range.

How do I share this report?

Add to briefing book

Schedule an agent to run the report

What tool can I use to edit this report?

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher