Generating Payroll Reports in Microsoft Excel Format

You can configure the following payroll reports to generate a Microsoft Excel output:

  • Payroll Balance Report

  • Payroll Activity Report

  • Payroll Register

  • Statutory Deduction Register

  • Deduction Report

  • Payment Register

  • Gross-to-Net Report

  • Third-Party Payment Register

To generate an Excel output:

  1. In the Data Exchange work area, select the Manage Extract Definitions task.

  2. Search for and select the extract definition name for the payroll report to edit, as listed in this table.

    Report Name

    Extract Definition Name

    Payroll Balance Report

    Payroll Run Result Report

    Payroll Activity Report

    Payroll Activity Report

    Payroll Register Report

    Global Payroll Register

    Statutory Deduction Register

    Statutory Deduction Register

    Deduction Report

    Deduction Report

    Payment Register Report

    Global Payment Register

    Gross-to-Net Report

    Gross-to-Net Summary Archive

    Third-Party Payment Register

    Global Third-Party Payment Register

  3. Open the report and click the Deliver icon.

  4. Click Add to create a new row to point to the new template for the Excel output.

  5. Enter a Start Date and End Date.

  6. Enter the Delivery Option Name and the Output Name.

  7. Select Excel 2007 in the Output Type field.

  8. Enter the Report and Template Name. Ensure the XDO file name you enter here matches the name of your template, as shown below.

    Report Name

    Excel Template Name

    Payroll Balance Report

    Payroll Balance Report Results

    Payroll Activity Report

    Payroll Activity Report Results

    Payroll Register Report

    Payroll Register Results

    Statutory Deduction Register

    Statutory Deduction Register Results

    Deduction Report

    Deduction Report Results

    Payment Register Report

    Payment Register Results

    Gross-to-Net Report

    Gross-to-Net Report Results

    Third-Party Payment Register

    Third-Party Payment Register Results

  9. Select the Delivery Type. For example, Documents of Record or Fax.

  10. Optionally, to override the default layout (PDF file), select the predefined delivery option of Excel output in the Overriding Delivery Mode field. This would result in only generating the Excel file.

    Otherwise, keep the default value to generate both the Excel and PDF files.

  11. Click Save.

  12. For the Payment Register, you must perform the following additional steps to add the report category details.

    1. In the Additional Details section, click Add.

    2. In the Output Name field, click Search.

    3. In the Search field, enter Extract Delivery Mode, and then click Search.

    4. Select Payment Register Results, and then click OK.

    5. Click Save.

  13. Click Submit.