Name Styles and Name Formats for the Netherlands

You can use a suite of predefined name styles and predefined name formats.

Name Styles

A name style determines how the name is displayed on a person record. It specifies which components are shown, the sequence in which they're displayed, and whether they're optional or required. The name style must not be modified during the implementation phase. This topic explains the predefined Dutch Name Styles and Name Formats.

The predefined name style for the Netherlands is:

  • Correspondence Title

  • First Name (required)

  • Initials (required for employees)

  • Prefix

  • Last Name (required)

  • Title 1

  • Title 2

  • Title 3

  • Partner Last Name

  • Partner Prefix

  • Name Format

    Use the Manage Common Lookups task to view or edit the list of values for the various Title fields, that is, Title 1, Title 2, and Title 3 using the lookup HRX_NL_TITLE.

Name Formats

A name format is a template for arranging the predefined components of a name (such as first name, last name, and title) in a specified order for a particular purpose. For example, in an ordered list of names, the last name may appear before the first name. But in other contexts, the first name may appear before the last name.

In addition to the four global name formats that are available for use in all localizations (display name, list name, full name, and order name), three additional local format types are predefined for the Netherlands:

  • Own last name and partner last name: [Initial] [Prefix] [Last Name] [Partner Prefix] [Partner Last Name]

  • Partner last name and own last name: [Initial] [Partner Prefix] [Partner Last Name] [Prefix] [Last Name]

  • Partner name: [Initial] [Partner Prefix] [Partner Last Name]

You can select one of these name formats in the person record in a Dutch legislative data group (LDG). The selected Dutch name format is used wherever the default full name format is otherwise used, such as on statutory reports or a payslip. If there is no value specified in the name format field, then the default Dutch full name format is used for the person. Optionally, select a specific name format at the individual employee level and display the name as the employee prefers (using the predefined Dutch name style components) instead of the default full name format.

To set up additional Dutch name format styles, configure a new name format in the two lookups, PER_NAME_FORMATS and HRX_NL_FULL_NAME_FORMAT. Use the Manage Person Name Formats task to set up the actual name formats. These name formats are available to use in all the Dutch legislative data groups (LDGs) in your enterprise.