Verify the Results of a Balance Adjustment for the US

After performing a balance adjustment, verify the balances now have the expected amounts.

  1. Start the Person Results task.

  2. Search for and select the person.

  3. In Results Listing, select Balance Results for the adjustment process you want to verify.

  4. Indicate if you want to search by balance group or balance name, and select the appropriate balance value.

  5. Select any additional search criteria.

  6. Click Search.

Optionally, use the Payroll Process Summary task to query the balance adjustment process. After you have started, you can navigate to the Person Results task where you can use the steps above to view and verify the balances.

If you configured the adjustment to refund the employee's payment, the payment amount includes the adjusted amount. You can verify this in the employee's payment after a prepayment process runs for an effective date that includes the date the adjustment was made.