Edit the Tax Credit Information Calculation Card

This topic demonstrates how you can modify the Tax Credit Information calculation card that was automatically generated during a new hire process. For example, you can modify the employee card to reflect employee-specific values that are different from the default values.

For example the province of employment of the employee, Adams, Kay, at the time of hiring is Ontario. Subsequently, the employee has taken a new assignment with a different tax reporting unit (TRU).

Before You Begin

Before you begin confirm the following:

  • The new hire process forAdams, Kay is completed and a TRU was selected on the Hire an Employee: Employment Information page.

  • The employee has a payroll relationship and is assigned to a payroll.

  • A calculation card definition that includes the federal and regional tax calculation exists at the legislative level.

  • The employee takes on a new assignment in Quebec with a different TRU, InFusion2.

How to Open the Calculation Card

  1. Select Calculation Cards from Payroll in My Client Groups.

  2. On the Person Search page, complete the following fields:




    Adams, Kay

    Legislative Data Group

    InFusion, Canada

    Effective As-of-Date


  3. Click Search to display a list of matching payroll relationships.

    A person can have multiple payroll relationships. In this example, only one payroll relationship exists for the person.

  4. Click the row for Adams, Kay to open the Manage Person Details page. Any available calculation cards appear in the Search Results.

  5. Click the Tax Credit Information calculation card that was automatically created for this payroll relationship.

    In the Calculation Card Overview pane, you can view the calculation groups associated with this calculation card. In this example, you can see the Federal and Regional calculation groups. You can also see ON under the Regional group. The province of employment is shown as a two-character code.

  6. Click ON to view the Payroll Tax Information details applicable for the employee in Ontario.

Effective As-of-Date

The Effective As-of Date at the top of the page drives the date of the information displayed.

Show or Hide Records

When you update the components for future dates, date-tracked records are created. Once new records are created, the Hide or Show Prior Records option is displayed on the page. By default these new prior records are hidden, so you display them by selecting Show Prior Records. The current record is displayed first with all subsequent ones displayed after, in order of latest effective date.

Payroll Relationship Information

The Payroll Relationship component is completely collapsed by default. Expand it to view the details.

This component contains certain tax-related attributes that are associated with the employee’s payroll relationship. These attributes directly affect taxation and are displayed on the tax card. The information is read-only and you can’t edit it here.

This information is captured on the employee's assignment when you hire the employee. You can update the details after new hire by using the payroll relationship page.

How to Edit the Federal Components

The Federal component contains the employee’s federal tax deduction details that are populated into the employee's TD1 or TD1X forms. Links are available for these forms and you can view the values in the actual government PDFs of these forms. These forms are not editable.

  1. In the Calculation Card Overview pane, select Federal. The information you can edit includes:

    • Province of Employment

    • Federal Tax Information

    • Tax Exempt Information

    • Commission Information

  2. Select Edit - Correct.

  3. Enter the Total Claim Amount in the Federal Tax Information section.

  4. Select the EI Exempt check box to exempt the employee from EI calculations.

  5. Click Save.

How to Create a Tax Reporting Unit Association

The Associations component contains the TRU associations, assignments, as well as some other details that are associated with the TRU like, province of employment and vacation liability plan details. The associations components has these three sections:

  • Basic Information: Contains the start date and the TRU association
  • Canadian Taxation: Contains the component details, province of employment, and the vacation liability information.
  • Association Details: Contains the assignments associated to the TRU. You can add additional assignments in this component.

The employee has taken a new assignment with a different TRU, and you must associate the new TRU with the existing tax card.

  1. In the Calculation Card Overview section, click Associations.

  2. Click Create in the Associations section.

  3. On the Create Association window, select InFusion 2 in the Tax Reporting Unit field.

  4. Click Save.

    Note: You must save the association before you can create association details.

How to Create Association Details

You must associate calculation components with employment assignments or terms.

  1. In the Association Details section, click Create.

  2. On the Create Association Details window, select E300100008926055 in the Assignment Number field.

  3. Click Save and Close.

End Dating and Deleting Association Details

The Delete button in the Association Details section provides you the options to:
  • Delete Record Permanently: Deletes the association detail record entirely.
  • Delete Date-Effective Record: Deletes the association detail record as of the effective date entered. If no date-effective record exists, it's the same as the “Delete Record Permanently” option.
  • End Date: End dates the association detail record.
Note the following when ending or deleting association details:
  • You can only delete or end date the association detail records.
  • You can’t delete or end date association records if it is processed in a payroll.

How to Change the Province of Employment

  1. Select Quebec as the Province of Employment.

  2. Click Save and Close.

    When you open the card again, you see the codes for Ontario and Quebec under the Regional groups.

How to Edit the Regional Component

The Regional component contains the employee’s provincial tax deduction details. You can access the provincial TD1 form from here and view the information government PDF.

At the time of new hire, a provincial card was created automatically because the employee's province of employment was Ontario. Since you have changed the province of employment to Quebec, you can now view the Quebec provincial card. You can view and edit the provincial tax information for Quebec as required.

  1. In the Calculation Card Overview section, select Regional.

  2. Select Quebec under the Regional group.

  3. Select Edit - Correct. The fields you can edit include:

    • Provincial Tax Information

    • Tax Exempt Information

    • Commission Information

  4. Complete the fields as required. Click Save and Close.