How Do I Create a Flow Pattern

Use the delivered flow patterns to copy and create flows and complete your payroll tasks. Add the delivered tasks, such as processes, reports, or task flows in a sequential order and build the flow.

For example, use the delivered Expedited Payroll flow pattern to identify, calculate, and make expedited payments. Add the delivered reports to review payroll calculation results and prepayments before making the payments.

Optionally you can create your own flow pattern.

Let's look at the steps to create a flow pattern.

  1. Search and select Payroll Flow Patterns under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.

  2. Either use the Create icon to create a flow pattern or search for and select an existing flow pattern to copy.

  3. On the Basic Information window, select a legislative data group (LDG) and click Continue.

  4. Make these selections on the Create Payroll Flow Pattern: Basic Information page.

    1. Enter a name for the flow pattern and provide a description.

    2. Select an option for the LDG Required field.

    3. Select a Flow Status option.

  5. Select the activities and tasks to include in the flow pattern.

  6. Click Next. On the Tasks page, complete this information.

    • If necessary, rename the task and description, and change the activity or task group.

      For example, place all your reports in the Statutory activity and rename each verification task to include the report name.

    • Select a task owner. Use the Owner Type field to select a group or a single user.

    • Select the type of notifications that you want the flow or task owner to receive.

    • If required, select the Process After Error check box for a task to allow the flow to continue even if a previous task has encountered an error.

  7. On the Task Sequence page, review the task sequence and reorder, add or delete tasks, as required.

    All flow patterns begin with a Start task and conclude with an End task. Tasks are sequential but you can also process more than one task concurrently. For example you can run reports concurrently along with the process.

  8. On the Edit Task Details: Owner and Checklist page, specify a sequence value and decide the order in which the tasks display in the checklist.

  9. On the Parameters page, select the parameters to submit and complete the tasks in the flow pattern. Alternately, use the parameters as a basis for deriving values to submit the remaining tasks in the flow pattern.

  10. On the Task Parameters page, review and if necessary, update the parameters.

    For example, specify a constant if the value is the same for all tasks, such as the Process Configuration Group parameter.

  11. Click Next. Use the Connected Flows field to select the flows you can connect to this flow and consolidate the run results.

  12. Click Next and review the resulting checklist. Review the task sequence and make corrections if required. You can add or delete tasks and move around tasks to revise the task sequence if required.

  13. Click Submit.

Use the Manage Payroll Flow Security Profile task In the Setup and Maintenance work area, to define a security profile for the flow pattern.

The HCM data role security controls who can submit the flow pattern or view the resulting flow from the Checklist or View Flows pages.