Manage Workers

Person Management in Oracle HCM Cloud provides a user interface for managing person and employment information for a worker. You might need to access this data externally and combine data from multiple sources. Using the workers API, you can access and manage the worker's person and employment data. The workers API also has custom methods built in, which allow you to perform actions on the worker such as terminations and global transfers.


Operations to create and update worker records in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM involve various post-processing steps across products. Therefore, these operations may take several minutes to complete.

For bulk load and extract operations, you must use HCM Data Loader (HDL) and HCM Extracts, respectively.

Also, you shouldn't use REST APIs for detecting data changes in the application. Instead, use Atom feeds to detect or identify changes made to data for key transactions in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM. For example, you may use Atom feeds to detect changes in employee's personal details, employment data, new hires, and terminations. See the Atom Feeds section for details about delivered feeds in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM.

Before you begin, you should put in place all the required security for your users. See Manage Workers Security for more information.

See these use cases for detailed information.

Use Case Shows how to..

Create a Worker

Create different types of workers such as employees, contingent workers, and pending workers.

Manage Person Information

Manage the person information of workers such as emails, phones, addresses, and so on, including date effective objects.

Manage Employment Information

Manage the employment information of workers, such as assignments and work relationships, and custom actions such as terminations, transfers, and so on.

Perform Supporting Worker API Calls

Perform supporting calls on the workers API, such as retrieving worker details, payroll details, actions, and so on.